The Examination Board is the body that issues objective and informed decisions as to whether a participant meets the conditions of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) regarding the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to obtain a degree or title.
The Examination Board was formed under the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act(the “WHW”) and has independent decision-making authority. Decisions of the Examination Board are subject to appeal. The results of an examination are also a decision (on behalf) of the Examination Board. If you do not agree with a decision, you may lodge an appeal with the Academic Council.
The Examination Board consists of four academic staff members and one external member. The Vice Dean appoints these members. The Examination Board makes decisions and adopts the general rules and policy collectively. The Examination Board is supported by a secretary. The contact person for the Examinations Board is the secretary.
Prof. dr. M. Vermeulen (Chair)
Prof. dr. S. Waslander
Prof. dr. P.H.J. van der Voort
Dr. E. Dooms
B. van de Lest, LLM (external member)
A. van der Schaft
TIAS Examination Board
Postbus 90153
5000 LE Tilburg The Netherlands
The Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (the “WHW”) states that every program must have two sets of rules:
- The Education and Examination Regulations (EER) as per Article 7.13 WHW, adopted by the Vice Dean.
- The Rules and Guidelines Examination Board (R&G) as per Article 7.12b WHW, adopted by the Examinations Board.
The EER covers topics such as the content of the program, list of courses, course loads, learning outcomes for the program, etc.
The R&G handles matters such as the organization of tests and examinations, rules of order during examinations, fraud, the grading period, assessment, the grading system, etc.
TIAS uses a single EER for all of its accredited master programs, with an Appendix with program-specific information for each program.
EERs and R&Gs from past academic years are available on the archives page.
Below are the examination rules for the 2024/2025 academic year:
- Education and Examination Regulations 2024-2025
- Rules and Guidelines Examination Board 2024-2025
In special cases, at the request of the participant, the Examination Board may adopt special rules. Some examples here would be an exemption to a module or extension of a thesis deadline. Please see the Policy Functional Limitationfor requests for special accommodations.
If you would like to submit a request to the Examination Board, please complete the Examination Board request form. Send the completed form and any other documentation to:
Participants who do not agree with a decision of the Examination Board, or an assessment by an examiner, have a legal recourse to contest these: lodge an appeal against the decision.
Participants who object to a decision of the Examination Board, or an assessment by an examiner, may lodge an appeal with the TIAS Academic Council.
Only stakeholders may lodge an appeal. Stakeholders are persons whose interests are directly affected by the decision. The appeal must be lodged within 6 weeks after the contested decision is issued. Complete the request form(part 5 or 6) and submit it to the Academic Council along with the letter of appeal. The letter of appeal must meet the following requirements:
- The letter of appeal must be dated.
- The letter of appeal must clearly indicate the contested decision, and have a copy of the decision attached.
- It must state the participant’s reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the Examinations Board.
- It must be signed by the participant.
The contact email for the Academic Council is:
In practice, the decisions of the Examinations Board often stand up to scrutiny by the Academic Council. For further information on the handling of appeals, please see the Academic Council Appeals Procedure.
One of the duties of the Examination Board is to ensure the quality of the tests and examinations (Article 7.12b (1a) WHW). To fulfill this duty, the overall testing and examination system must feature adequate safeguards to prevent, detect and penalize fraud and plagiarism (Article 7.12b (2) WHW). Fraud is understood to mean the conduct or negligence on the part of the participant that prevents the person administering the exam from conducting a correct and honest assessment of the skills and knowledge of the participant. Plagiarism is a form of (academic) fraud. Plagiarism is understood to mean the copying of text, thoughts or lines of reasoning from others without citing the source.
In cases of suspected fraud or plagiarism, the reporting formmust be completed. Send the completed reporting form and any other documentation to:
Please see Citing sources according to APA guidelinesfor correct using and citing sources.