The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


BAKERS WARRING AGAIflST FILTH. UQU POPULAR EVERYONE FOR A GOOD CAUSE. ncueoletit PKIslmrgerji Are orlf-liilt for the Koselia Urnerona Tbcnlrlcnl I anil c.ers. "A common humanity, fostered undr the b. n.

iic-. nt proto -tion of a government to all men. Irrespective of color, creed and condition, iias settled forever the question of boundaries between the quarters of the rich and the poor, and of man's duty to his fellow-man. Statutes, common in their application to ail classes, insure the rich from depredations of the vicious poor, and t-i" poor from fie tyranny of the vicious rich, while philanthrophy, public and private, like a lamp set in a dismal place, sheds its kindly iistht on the dark roads which many ere forced to travel through i'l'e." So wro'n' one who showed himself to be a true philosopher. Xowhere in the wirld lias so firm and strong a place here under tile sheltering folds of the beautiful "stars and stripes." In every city in the country there is a truly r-rtsciitativf! list of hospitals, asylums and charitable institutions, all kept up the main by the public purse.

Some of these are assisted by th munlcipality or but the majority are wholly ii.iin ih of those kin.ily Is preparing for Christmas the day of exchanging tokens of friendship and kind remembrances. No better place to make vour selection than from our large and varied assortments of Seasonable Dry Goods, etc. Read the short list below, and if we have not mentioned goods to your liking come in and see what we have to show-you will find it here. IS. DOING GOOD WORK.

Taralnoninn Answers Accusations. Account o( Expenses end Money Sent to Armenia. Tarninosiari, the Armenian who lias been endeavoring to aid his suffering countrymen by soliciting money from churches, has made a statement of all receipts and expenses in answer to the accusations of Dr. Buckley, of Xew The charge was that he had been using money collected for his own living expenses, fund the charge has followed him here. His statement is addressed to the investigating committee, and in it he gives an itemized account of the money received from the various churches since October 13.

It is followed by a detailed account of money forwarded to Armenia and dates on which it was sent. The amount is $240. He ihen shows the amounts already seat or that are to be sent to Armenia by several churches, money raised by Mr. Taminos.RJi'-s own personal efforts. This amount is $-l-i5.

The" total amount raised was Of this Mr. sent $210 to the afflicted country, the churches sent or have promised to send f42fl, and the balance, 3. -was used to defray the expenses of Mr. Tarnlnosian and his family. He ends his statement by saying: "I respectfully submit herewith the above account, and ask the committee in charge of the investigation, to determine whether $liS p.T' month is tco exorbitant an amount to defray expenses of family, railway and street car fares and hotel bills, and to give its opinion to the public of Pittsburg and vicinity.

"I have been more successful thin I anticipated 1n your city." he said last "I am doing what my tens is and through my efforts 7-r nersnr.i have been saved from starvation for the -coming three months, For hits libellous article. I "ue tln.o call Dr. Buckley to account before the bar of justice." air. at any time roadv ajid willing to give an account of 1 have in this statement. As for the two Armenians who have fol- lowed me here, bringing I)r.

Buckley's article before the public, they Save mo in -two cities, to injure my reputation, 3nd without cry justification whatever. I fear they have Injured Therriseivmi more than thty have ji-ic, Neither to my have suc-ectded in their undertakings tn With -their Ideas of the expenses of living, they had better not get married." FLOATER IDENTIFIED. Tlie Bodf Fonnd Thunkswivlnic Day Was 3robnllr-Ttoat of a Suicide From Philadelphia. Thanksgiving oay a noater v. as iuuh-.

in tha Ohio river at this foot, of Witkirs avenue, Allegheny There- was r-tiblic opinion. about him by which his identity could thir against the r.lti balte-bo established but a pawn ticket, show- in the He sai the danirff- Silks. Best grades of Surah Siiks, printed and plain Indias, colored and black, 24 inches wide, the 1.20 qualities, EfC now Waist Patterns. Hundreds of Silk Waist Patterns, 5 to 6 yards in each, all the best styles colorings, Half Price Elegant Embroidered Crepe de Chene Robe patterns (Black), hand embroidered, would make 'a grand present: 150.00 was $5.00 Wool Suiting, In black and colors, in neat box, full suit length in each box, at lowest prices, for in stance, a good de- Cl AA sign in all wool for If you prefer to make selections" from the unlimited stock of plain and novelty materials do so, from 3 per "Cp yard down to Blankets 65c Per Pair Some new ones just arrived: very pretty ones for bath or slumber Robes. Cor.

Fifth Ave. li AT ing thac a watch and cnain nao wi'u pledged in a Market street pawnshop, but did not give the nam-of the city. It was seat. to Superintendent of Police Linden, in Philadelphia, and he replied that No vember IS a man giving nis name John Handco*ck had pawned a watch oir, 14 hod written on a small slip of paper the name Johan Koch. 1 he jiarpcnt ln Kp.giatal provl.ling that no pawnbroker was under the Impression person Bjlal1 lie employed iti a 1-ak that he came from Newark.

N. and I Sn0p over eight hours as a radical means the ticket, with Linden's reply was sent of Rjvil.K, employes suf-to the police of that city. i Sclent time to keep themselves iu a Yesterday Superintendent Leslie rs i cleanly eon iition. The bill In ceived a letter from C. -S.

Osburn i tjn8 stetei r. Weismann said, was an of Newark, saying that they noticed in i improvement upon the law in orce in the New York papers an account of a i other states, in that it provides that man being found in the river no WOrkman suffering from cntagious that a young man in their employ namea or diseas -s shall r-Johan Koch had disappeared November mltte ln work Jn a baktshop. Work-16. They thought the body might he that mon in SUcb condition arc now permitted of the missing man. They added that hakeshops, and the bakery is a great he had no relatives in this country.

The of contamination, letter was forwarded to the Newer au- Mr WHsmann devoted some time to a thorities. The case, it is now thougnt. Is I presentation of the labor question, as one of suicide. affects the bakers. He- said he was authorized by the International union Snot Yesterday to Put Him Out of Misery.

A case of hyelroibobla ln a horse developed Friday, and yesterday he was shot by Dr. J. C. Carter to put him out of his misery. The horse was owned by the Williams brick and stone company, cf Hazelwood.

and was 17 years old. About four months ago he was bitten by a dog, but showed no signs of rabies and has been working steadily ever since. While hauling stone Friday afternoon he suddenly was taken with the dreaded disease and bit at everything he could reach. With the aid of two men, the driver got him to the barn and he was ptit in a box stall. The mouth and nose were swollen, and he made a noise like a dog when growling.

He bit himself terribly, ami the sides of the stall were ail torn by his teeth. A bucket of water was set before him, but he could not drink it, as the throat muacles were swollen tight. Humane Agent T. M. Porter was sent for to shoot the animal, but he suffered so much that he was shot before the agent arrived.

The case of a horse having rabies Is very rare. City Physician E. G.JIatson got the animal's brain and took it to his laboratory. Some time this week he will inoculate several guinea pigs with tho virus. llroWe HI" Hip.

Charles Quinn. of Qulnn Sweeney, saloonkeepers at 73 Federal street, last night ejected a man for disorderly conduct. Outside the man turned on him and threw him violently against the curb, breaking his hip. He was taken to the Mercy- hospital. A woman's work is hard in many ways.

Unless the woman is t-trong and healthy her work will cause her much distress and pain, and she will suffer from headaches, and backaches and side-achts, and each evening wiil Cnel her utttriy worn-out. sick ar.d disgusted with life. In tUis condition of mind ami body she cannot be a loving and amiable companion for her husband when he returns from his work weary too in body and mind. If a woman wants to live a happy, contented, loving, helpful married life she cannot take too much care of the health and vigor of the organs distinctly feminine, for her general health ar.d f-trength is largely dependent upon her special health in a womanly way. Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-tiein enables a woman to be always well and strong where a woman most needs health and strength. It acts directly on the important ami delicate organs involved in her wifehood and motherhood. It makes them strong and healthy. Taken during the period preceding motherhood it banishes the usual discomforts and makes baby's coming easy and comparatively painless. It insure the new-comer's health and provides an ample supply of natural nourishment.

It cures all weakness and disease, and head-aches, backaches, and side-aches no longer torture her in her work. Over women have testified to the wonderful virtues of the ''Favorite Prescription over their signatures. An honest ornggist will not try to force on you a substitute for the sake of a few pennies added profit Dr. Pierce's looo-page Common Sense Medical Adviser" will be sent free, paper-covered, for ai one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing Or cloth bound for tt stamp9. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.

Y. a "k4L 1 o. All Goods Will No similar chance at Dolls, Tea Sets, Pianos, Doll Furniture, Iron Beds, Iron Toys of Kinds, $1.00 Articles All of all of all of all of all of all of all of all Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles WHOLESALE A SPLENDID See the el 5- a. At J. 4 a it 2c IOC Our wholesale to sell at CORNER.

Ladies' Jackets. An unusually large line of Garments here at tempting prices. Jackets, Capes, Suits, Skirts, Waists and Shawls at lowest prices ever asked for fine goods. Table Linens In sets or by the yard at telling prices. See the sets (Cloth and Napkins to match) k- a a vvt a $3.50 from $12.00 down to We think the best qualities for least money ever offered.

Good All-Linen, full width and extra fir heavy, at. YARD. Umbrellas. Seme new ones, hundreds have been sold with late arrivals stock stiH complete. Don't forget the 1.50 and 2.50 qualities; no better values ever sold at these prices.

We have the best made, and nobby handles, 00 EACH. Handkerchiefs. Holidav Kerchiefs here in profusion; take your choice of style, at from m5c 10.00 down to. and Market St. OV It Mr Prices Coma Metalaphones, Mechanical Toys, Tree Ornaments, Etc 9cs 59c 39c 19c 44M4444 "eT 70S 3c A.

ll IXDICATIOXS THAT THE TROUBLES OF THE "WELSH CIH'RCH WILL BE SETTLED. ACCUSERS DID NOT APPEAR. Minority of the Consrreicntlon Were Ready for a Hearing. EXDED WITH A PRAYER MEETIXG Peace and harmony seem to be making their way into the congregation of the Wtlsh Fifth avenue Congregational church. A number of the members wer? to have been tried last night before a specially appointed tribunal on charges of interfering with the worship of members of the church by making unbecoming remarks during public services, and airing their grievances in the public press, thereby bringing disgrace upon the church.

The accused are Edward CI. Davis, George K. Jones. Daniel A. Jones.

Albert Evans, E. L. Evans, Owen Jones. David H. Lewis.

Daniel Price, John Owens and John Sherman. All were present and ready for trial. The troubles, it will be remembered, grew out of the charges made against Key. Twyseui Junes, bis resignation, his subsequent reinstatement and his sceond ri signatb n. we: ilarge? aaainst the minister of conduct very i.f his cloth.

The- majority of the incrnbtrs were with the minister, as he had confess. 1 to his wrongs and promised to do better in the future. Those opposed to him, who are considered in the minority, were to have been tried last night. Tip-re. were about 1:5 members of the present.

The committee of 11 a bo I Iv-en appointed to hear the testimony several days ago. elected 1. J. Kvuns chairman. He was reii present at the last merit, it hehig state-.

1 lit of the city. There were member, of the committee,h to constitute a quorum. Th" i tt. e.l s-igrated that another i -b-, ted, that tiie trial pr-ce. 1.

It wa.s found that John W. Davis, Kvtii Jetikir.s and Gwyr.dof who ata i the charges, re absent. It was uitg-su-d that I'. L. Evans act as chairman, but he refuse There was a prevailing sentiment that looked very mU' iik-.

pence. There was i.o bitterness displayed, anil an apparent willingness to let bygones b-i bygones. Th re was a d'-slre to work in hnrmoity, and n.akt every ort to build up' a much-divided congregation. The meet-iug was turned Into a prayer meeting, and after agreeing that lh- cases ii heard next Saturday, tho meeting udjourned. DON'TS FOR HOLIDAY MAIL.

I sefiil Hints to People Who Want to Send t'li i st mas Pnckaices AVIthout n- HreaUnare. I'on't fail to write the full address. I) h-ave the street and number off. i write it "la." h- you want it Pa." In.n't write it "Term." when you mean It Perm." Don't wait until December 24 to mall your presents. I'on't hesitate to ask questions at the postoftice.

Don't seal merchandise. That makes It first-ciass matter. Don't fail to register valuable things. It's safe. I'on't send Jewelry ln this country registering it.

Don't send Jewelry in the mails to foreign countries. Don't fail to write or print the adelress plainly with Ink. I'on't fall to wrap packages well, using strong paper and twine. Don't forget to mail the matter for the far west gooel and early. put th.

stamps any place except In the upper right-hand corner. I'on't fail be very particular about rat -s of to foreign countries. Don't mail any thing until someone. In authori'y has told you how much postage, it ought t' have. I'on't forget that packnges without fu'i postage are held until the addressee sends tiie stamps.

I'on't money In the ordinary mail. That's no place for it t.nyway. Register it or s. i a money order. Don't foritet that probably most of all the way a package is done up and the; way the address is put on.

I'on't fail to tell the stamp cb-rks whether your package contains merchandise or printed ma'ter. They are fail, if you are goicg ty rrgls'er i mail them enriy. be mail esi't g.i as quickly as r.iatl. Don't forget that every Christmas many pa'kastcs of pre, r.ts ei re seat f) the 'lead letter oJ.tce tit Washintjtori, the address lead. tiiar e-re ir.g up" our present, Iti carefully mMl soli cr them, means qul.k uial safe ilelivery ti your think for a mctnent of mail t.g i'tter or p-rc 1.

tin have va ail name and inldres phiiniy the wrapper, pre tded by th 1 r't fail to ivrite "tram" before your itite. or in rapid distribution a clerk ii'tt: scad the package back yea. tiie return rd far tite u.l-dtc.-.s. This happens sinietini'-s. 1'rft mer.

to a "rein court-try until you have foun.l out the Miiiet inte-n-b'tit of ina'l whether ar ot it h- s-mt in th- mails to th-it pa-ti ular c.v.ii.try. save tine. Dan forget that if you i.eglect to pa; air own name and address on your package tan inn. es are you'll never see aitaiii. b.e-.iuse tite dead letter of-II.

won't know that i sent it, and bc.v enti they return it to you? 1 rstrrilaj'ti I.oenl 'I'em iiern tnre a. xaauni Minimum ib ati TEETH EXTRACTED FREE i or any person ordering a set of our Ss.oo lei tb. Of course a deposit- is re- iUlrcd URLING BROS. ODONTUNDER Applied to the Gum for Painlsss Extraction, Best Teeth a set! $8.00 Good Set 5.00 Gold Crown Bridge Work, Tocth, Cold Filling, $1 up; Silver Klllinir, 75c; Cleauliia, 75c; tlx trading, 25c isor Air, PUc. URLING 204.

SIXTH ST. (Cor. Penn A8.i Jg Last Knd Offii-e. Bill Penn Avenue, J3 Kennedy it Luther building. IM1 DENTISTS, F- -i S5.00I PUBLIC MEETIXG IX OPPOSITION TO THE DISEASK-BKKKDISti DAKESHOPS.

EMPLOYES ARE OVERWORKED Many Pellur Itrilcerie Overrun XVItli Vtrmia nd Itonelies. 3IEXACK TO THE Pt IllIC HEALTH. A mass meeting was held last r.isht under the auspices of the. bikers' union in Xorthide Turner hail. East street, Allegheny, for the purpose of acquainting the public with the need of health protective hcl sanitary inspection of bakeshops by olTice-s of the state factory department.

The was packed with bakery workmen or.i persons interested in sanitary reform. The bakers have framed a whih will presented to the legis'attiro next, which, if fraetexl, will far toward e-ad-Icating a great source of di-e. The to protect the public health front baltsshops is the result of work bakers in th NeA- 'hi-. nr.1 Minnesota,'r the bakers hip- to secure much improv lent in the working rs. i tins ar.d At the jirrfrn: time the bakers are jr-Tioraiiy required to work 13 houra a day in shops that nr filtiiy ar.rl Vf-ntllated.

AVorkiic. tioas the bakei ntilated. "Working unOc-r suca ur.hiaKiiy nrd readily tiii use tD tee public. In their efforts se-enre reform legNlatior. they louk the support, of the public.

will go i xi Tlsrrlsbursf at the sm-m of ii with strong arsumr'ts is i n- of the ill which they i-npise. was printed in "The last wi I me.tine last night tvas ad' Henry Woismar.n. secretary of Intf rratlonal jourru-ymt Lakers' union. who is en route to to the convention of th- Am-rican of Lulor as a of th' bakers' Mr. Weismann to the i nriruniru thoroughly and of tle -lel-M v.

Izatior i iifi 'live orfta ous conditions r.v existing in tha ake-shops of the cities ar-i Uirgciy 'he result of the men being t.verwt rk ii" called attention to 'he successful w.rk done in other against the oak-shop evi. vhi''h was ernukf i-at precedent establisht in ilrcat Germany and via. A bill is now pendsrg in the house of par- to ask the American Federation of Labor to bring suit against the Sratts baking company. New York biscuit company and the American biscuit company, three organizations? comprising what is known as the baking trust, for violation of tiie anti-trurt laws. It is claimed the trust has killed fair competition in the trade and is oppressing the workmen who depend on the industry for a living.

A short blowing was made lr a number of tha window glass factories yesterday to get the workmen broken in after long idleness. The majority of the men have "been id-e for over haif There is no glass in stock, 1 i year, he a.i the lactones Monday. be iu operation The delegates of tiie Pittsburg unions to the convention of tiie American of Labor, which meets in 'iti-cinnati this week, i-f'. las tr.aiit. meeting of the executive board will "oe hda to-day.

and the work of tn. cor.vf tion mapped out. A number ta Mers of the soul ed upon by tiie labor unions wiil convention. The rod mill of th Pittst.urg wire works yesterday broke the v. or! record iti the manufacture of Jhdshe.i wire rods.

The output cf the day turn fr.ii, 1'oor-Ow-Vi I IX FI.Ol kishim; (iMMTlOV. Annual of Dlllrrn for St. Frinicis IIoslt I. The corporators of St. ram is hospital held their annua1.

me tihg lust anl the fo'Iowing for tiie ensuing year: A. V. 1'. J. C.

i I lonnelt. S. F. lie James J. Hoot ih J.

S. Etzel. A. Ftirr ii, A. C.

Al b-li: it. Verner. I-. Viirack aiai -s ok. Thursday the d.

re 'ors held a at whi'-ri A. V. j. was -le: president; J. 1 "il.

si- dent F. lieckcr; i-a retary, ar.d A. C. Mcfaiiin, treasurer. The executive committee for ti'.

ensuing year is a-foliows: j. Pooth, chairman; J. Ix.ughney, S. V. Hrckcrt.

A. C. M--Cailin and L. Vilsack. "luring the.

jiast year the toitu- ber of patients cared for by- he has been about in tiie medical, f-urg-ical and insane departments. these (57 were free patients. 21 in the insane and 43 in the medical ami surgical -departments. The new story and other improvements on the hospital building, giving increased accommodations aoout 4 new beds, cost over Notwithstanding theso exp ndilures, the hospital is in a flourishin.r condition, and the Sisters of the Third Ord'-T of St. Francis, who have it in 'harge, cannot he too highly praised for their caro in its management.

Got the Shoes Cheap. William Brown was arrested on a warrant lst night by Detectives McTiiihe and Iifnniston, charged with stealing shoes from Cain's shoe store. Market street. Brown is a negro. 25 years old.

Is married, and lives on Fulton street. He Is janitor at Cain's store. It is charged that Brown stole shoes from the store and sold them cheap to negroes on the hill. Stole From His Father. Conrad RItter, of 1111 Bradford street, was arrested for stealing flOd from his father.

He spent before the poilce could find him. Frank Stanley, of Woods Run, and Hugh Ingram, of 3s Anderson street, Allegheny, who helped him to spend It, were as suspicious persons. TV. A. A LOCAL --HOUSE FOR HIS PROPOSED BIG CIRCUIT.

WALLACES WILL BE ST. Aseni Here KcROtictlnaf AVIth Pltt- HAS HIS EYE OX THE DUQUESXE. A surprise is to bo sprung in theatrical circles before day. It will be either the purchase outright or the leasing: ty William A. Brady, tha manager, of a local playhouse, anl the of a -new circuit of hifth-prleed houses frenr N'e Torfc to and possibly farther" This will oe in direct 'Opposition to -tke famous transcontinental circuit of Kiaw Rrlangar.

"1 W. A. Brady was out of that deal, but rnixiey enough, of his own. Already has hia clutch, on A. If.

Palmer's late property '-In'- New York now rechristencd WaIadVer A hoijse in Chicago has also been bargained for, and now his general representative is 1n Pittsburs loeklaj? ever the: field. 1 Ed J. Cook, Mr. Erwiy's representative, arrived yesterday and located at the St. Charles holel.

Ho came directly from Chicago, where he had a conference with Olcjnet J. D. fiopklns." 'of the' Tristat-s amusem*nt company, and the rumor was last" niht that negotiations ireon for the purchase outright of the H-opkins-Iuqueitie theater here. Mr. Cook was in conference with several local managers and during the day.

he said last nig-iit, "there will le a surprise hre." Now that it ts out. I cannot deny thutf I arn Jit.der instructional to get a gooJ house here, and as to. wha4 ir.l&ii tt-i ity-1 Ai v-ia, Xe Grand or Kopklns-Ducojeene. It is Mr. Brady's intention, if he can find the proper to estabiishe a circuit, rot necess-ariiy to.

fight the Kiar clanger combine, tint to exhibit his own shows kt. I saw and -had a- tfelk with Colonel Hopkins in Chicago, tut I will neither deny nor affirm that I am negotiating- the Danuesne theater more than any other, i'r. Brady's shows hare always been exhibited here in -th-2-Bijou theater, and I want to sta.te that the Idea la not to run a'cecnpecltive hou.e. "There is another thing that Jlr.Bradj-will do. That.

is, initiative in runtring two stands Pi Pittsburg. There is no reason why that should not succeed here as well as anywhere else. Good phov.s certainly draw tliat length of time. Our shows now on, the road ar-of the right number, so that we1 could use- such an arrangement nicely. "It la true that after M.

Palmer's troubles are out that Mr, probably take control. He also has his clutches on a good Chicago house, As I said befr things are in such. that I cats' predict' tha. surprise about Xetv Year's, or a week or so. later.

other houses can only-be lost through a slip, and, the circuit will bo completed later." The local managers at the know- or admit knowing nothing or negotiations there. Edward Jack-man, owner of the theater, p.lso said last nlgiit that-h had -not-sold nor completed negotiations for the sale of the property. Wr A. Brady's shows are "My; Friend from India" and others of like grade. Mr.

Cook has just returned from a trip through Australia and Mexico. In the latter place Edgar Butt, a wealthy Kansas farmer, is. backing up a project' to come into the proposed circuit "with houses at Mexico City and other places. CARTRIDGES BY Bl'XCO. i STrlndler Hob Hardware Firms Thronffli Forced Oiderj.

The hardware firms of Logaji, Gregg and J. C. Lindsay Co. were swindled of 10.000 cartridges last Thursday by on J. I.

Xorris. Norris is working a new and profitable game, and disposes of his goods to shooting galleries. He went to the firm of J. C. Lindsay Co.

and gave the cierk an order for 10.000 22-caliber cartridges. Hesave them his card, and claimed he was a representative of the L. H. Smith wooden ware company, of Seventh avenue. The order blank was one of the woodenware company's, and was signed "Per V.

A. Smith, treasurer." Xorrls got the cartridges and then went to the firm of Logan. Gregg Co. and repeated the same trick. Yesterday the woodenware company got the orders ana at once pronounced them bogus and the signature of A.

Smith a forgt ry It was later learned that tha cartridges had been sold to a local shooting gallery, "but the proprietor was innocent of any wrong, and his name is withheld. The financial loss is not great, but If the scheme successfully worked Xorris can make a fanoy livlng by it. It i3 not known who Xorris is. GOnttEY HAKES HIXTS. His Intimation rs to the Respon-' sibiHt.v for Certain Things.

Controller Gourley yesterday gave out a lengthy statement in reply to the presidents of councils, Warmcastle and ITol-liday, who asserted that thi last appropriation ordinance was made up from figures given to the sub-finance committee by the controller. in reply Mr. Gourley says thait for years the principal factor in fixing the. appropriations; and adjusting the estimates was not the sub-finance committee, the finance committee or Messrs. Holliday and Warmcastle.

It is surmised that the controller referred to two wel'-irnowu gentleme.n not holding official position, who every year "assist" ln the preparation of the estimates and appropriation ordinances. He then goes on to show that ever since ho was controller he objected to the system of estimating ts certain revenues that portion of th-! taxes and water rents which remain deiinqucr.t every year. Mr. Gourley also recal.3 the fact that before the last election a. promise was made that the delinquent tax ordinances would be fo changed that delinquent taxpayers money would not find it to their interest to ostpone the payment of their taxes for 16 months.

A Youus 1 icIiocJiet uahl. Samuel!, a bejr of 15 years, wo arrested on I-ifth avenue last night bv Detectives Thomas McQuail and William Elmoro for attempting to pick pockets. Th-ey -watched him for some time in a crowd before a Fifth avenue window, finally followlnsr up the street as he trailed behind two both of whom had their bocketboeks In sn exposed pocket ln the back of their dresses. He raada aevje-" attempts to get them. At police head quarters $5 40 in cash and a ailver chain purse waa found in his pocket.

He waa well dressa1 in knickerbockers, -whits waist and coat, and said bis borne xvas in Nw York city. "Don.t Buy Diamond" jLtii pay retail prices. are the importers and manufacturerai Can gave you the middleman's profit. Gillespie Park building, 3econd floor, Jtith fernltbSeld sU HISTORICAL SOCIETY Itev. Fnther Lamfcing Will Head a Paper To-Morrow Xlght.

The Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, is preparing for a of interesting meetings during the winter and a vigorous effort will be made to" increase; the interest in the work of the society. Since moving to the Carnegie Scheniey park, the socle ty as been encouraged by the addition of new members. Within the past few davs 'the Secretary, W. T. Lyorr, has nla'ced in the hands of the members printed copies of he "charter, const I trt- tion and laws of the society.

In these 's whose ehb'fi st aim in life seems to be to aid the weak and hebiless along the rough and thorny road of life. Stub an is the Itosc'ia foundling and maternity hospital, of tills city, "l-'oanded in IV! by a few liy spirited who lite i.e. of thf community for Mich institution, it grown under their tcring. care tif of impor-' Hill itistitationa of the kind in this oi'y. The f.r its evist'-n.

is easiiy shown iu ta in i's n' la-ss bis ircn-ascd. Kve sgo a on I'O' li' fc- as satT- for its purposes. Wititin two years I iv.n obliged to secure a larger place nt TtT end Gum sireets. Now. live years and hs after its fiim.i rtsr.

the Is again com-I p. It. 1 to si V. Mill o. iai-cr-s.

or,' those it is already pos- To f-- r. und' -stand the ti'-j r.p---n tt'e -f yoang a ci. tiie; tt, r. is no f. -i'v i r- v-o-t 1 i 'b 1 ol it ei a ll' SSity it i ftr.tntr ei; -rt' i-s secured A -iy i ir.ft.

-it Kb y. it acres in has I b.n Tia-re a house i' is to h-'p defray ti ex-! r.s to ere. foti that a i ft rr bee a to take pi i -e a' New tra nd on i.i-x: TliUi'S'l iy at aoci. ttt I whit i i1 the trc.itraa! a' e'tiotis then in 1 i vabrc'ie a il: be of cieirac-l ai.i.i; ti.lngs in comic a. invi titid viu.lev 1 Minag-te Hatrv I'avis, tiie New 5r -n-i.

I'. 'ati ibt.n. of lite ss P. oKopnia" ecnipariy, wi'i con-! tribu1- 1. cf this fani.i'is ici- 1 tr fstnv Ar cher f- will I be a opea of tle ladieV r.i It: nrgai.U.ulot,.

uiaC' ts 1.. 1 vis. of 1 h- I i 1 1 and i-Ji rs. I. a and I'iatkc, of "Tli- Wiiard of tite wiii nt an act ct the Smith and ll.rl., rt open, with Kr.tik at hcrl of cast.

't trie a ts of Al- --w vii! aiso t-e tii ti 'k-r It. M. ia.i--k. of the itijoi a it-l Maaigep -ton. Ad iitional -Mtirrirg f- -tir.

t'o- c-r staa, from lljtry Ac -id- ray of Mu-is the -u t'-sne ti. eater i and rs wtil aiso be To -I'n- naturilly rises. I siioa'd the foundiinK asy- i i and t'-rni'y hospital be a is btst fair to give the general i- d. serves p. is aa tition whl derles no aid i.

from state or ra nicij.a y. Its are always op' ti to all wpi'ei-it r-'gard to cree f'ass or cib.r. Its Is to crime. j-nssiible; to help those poor, v. rived of a mother's save th'-m to lives of future use-f uitiess t-: sa.i- tinfortunate mothers, driven to death cotititiiu sh to w.imnn-h, s'r itering liome tint might d.

i.i. .1 h'" In fvt. la a iiou-s r- to b' ii thfis- who I an 1 nt kro.v where it- sl it. A -t ot the there r.o work it i asyium as d. 1 1 t.ik.

the patiet'-' i o- tin. try -ospit til iv. tii" ha'-, I'th. orpit in asy- otrtis k. of its work is no; cuhir th l'le extent il's tr.r- rif.

ft i ail tille.S rtte.s it i 1 1 i i's who cm- .1,1" IP fi'ou v.aiui.s po.n's. tt.c lot.imon i to optri n. proper-v it at tite of i.V:f and -n li' ft of vas ii but is lieen i have I i-ry iy. it has r. over to put prop, rt in for its tit h.

re is M.P.J i iotui 1 in. a tcirscs' tiari--' the Mipirt of the asylum. I by few Pi' by -i paitics. wiio have do- i 'a a.i i ii.r to piakltut the wii.t is. Th- is re- Pot the th-; in-s-ia i ix p.v.- and l.r.

to- sphere r.f ss Iniport.l as the .1 fa the romir we-i; Is aPo-a tic- is of he he patran-eo i'. Ve it W'aa is a n. cr--d" -l entirely to tii ir ef-T'o following list of Die la.iy i for: I pat ita iieh many of la- liies tio-'-'i th.eir charitable Mrs. .1. y.

Mrs. Ccrce Itailcy. ms. Wiiii -lit if :n.y ton. Mts.

a ii'-ry. Mt. J. 1 'a a I'alii'ry. Mrs.

1 I a. ihat-ies I II- i.i;. i r. Mrs. i 1 r.

Mis. .1. .1. i'i cl- 1 lie-''. rria.

wroam i Mrs. Ta i i i A. ir. Ja-S-man. Mrs.

ti CI .1 l.ep -h. Airs. Mitchell, Air, M'-lior Mrs. itirh. M-s.

G. V. S.hii.tte, ('. H. Stoci-k.

i. M-s. j'. Jits. A.

V. Watt' i re a rs. lx buiiee-J ion iintl Vi-plrrt. The a.l i.oey of Thoma Ma was fou. til morning in bed iti ids room ai I'd i'tke evident ly lee;) two uays.

His demented wife hal a sicepje beside p.itn. and hen tie' otiicers arrive, i slie f.ij- ht them furiously. She was nearly exhausted from starvation. It is believed that Maioney starved to death. He had been lil for three weeks, and his wife would not allow him to take even a cup of te.i from others in tiie bouse.

A verdict of en til from exhaustion due to neglect was rend' red by liii; coroner's, jury. Mrs. Maior.ey was turned over to Ly department. l-'ire ut Molxecsport. The Jewelry storo of Pcvl'n nt Hi! Fifth avenue.

WnS g.itte-d by-fire at mie-oieht. The fire started from reel hot falling from a stave. Stock valued at JCamj aknost totally destroyed. Tiie building naa owned by John Shaw. His loss will h- about Full Insurance.

Stewart Hamilton Injured. Stewart Hamilton night driver of Allegheny patrol was.on No. 3, was kicked by a horse. -n-ns currying nt 9 o'clock last night and his collar bone fractured. Tha horse also squeezed him badly against the side of tho stall.

He. was taken to tho Allegheny general tcsoital. It is set forth that the chief object ply was never shorter. Shipments of u-of the society is to collect and preserve glass will be resumed next week. Ne.trlv WHOLESALE Toy season Is now over, and we are going: retail the remainder of our wholesale stock.

natural, civil, religious, literary" an tiquarian data and information concerning or relating to western Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Northwest territory. At the meeting to be held to-morrow evening the president, Rev. A. A. Lambing.

LL. IX, will present a paper on The Struggle Between the French i nnd th Entrlish for the Possession cf the Valley of the Ohio. from i the French Point of View. lie wiil also deliver a short address to the members of the society and the public on the scope and purposes of the society. IE.I OX A HOOF, Be Sold at Wholesale has ever been offered to retail buyers.

once while the lines are full. W. R. Hiaoli MrifKcn nn iipo- averaging Ibi Tiie rods plexy on a Honsetop. were of 7-P1 and inches.

wa-; W. Tt. Black, of 53 Congress street, was the work of one 12 hour urn. Lieuteu-found -dead on the roof of the house at ant Thomas V. Fitch, the late Genera'.

52 Fulton street. The cause of death Sherman's son-in-law, is general super-supposed to be apoplexy. He leaves a I intend-nt. I STOCK INCLUDES. vU be be be be be be be kinds will kinds will kinds will kinds will kinds will kinds will kinds will wife and two children.

The deceased had been at his home until 11 o'clock in the forenoon and left to paint the roof cf the Fuiton street house, which he owned. He told his wife he would return not later than 1 o'clock. He did not come, and Mrs. Black, at 4 o'clock, started out to do soate shopping. She psissed the Fulton street house, and crossed the street to see if she could catch a glimpse of him.

She eouid not, and went to the hous-. She was told that the had not come down and did not answer calls. Mrs. Black walked down the to where she could get a view of thd wh-ole roo. She saw him in a stooping position beside ihe ehimney and notified Ordeer Frank Sutton.

The, policeman went to tae root ana iuj.iu that he was dead. Knabe, Conover, Ieelter, Crown, Dnnlizm, 141eler, The best and most relis.ble pianos in America. Crowds of purchasers throng the warercoms of H. Kleber Bro. to listen ar.d to buy these matchless instruments for Christmas They know and admit that the stock at Kleber'8 i3 head and shoulders above that of any other music house.

Besides, the confidence of the public in the superior knowledge and honest dealing of the Klebers has attracted the biv; majority of our people v. rr, know tney can buy cheaper and on easier terms there fall irlv and i make your enmes ueiuiu iiir nnce. stninients are bought up. Their ware- rooms are at 221 an-d 223 Fifth avenue. del3-dsu-St Xew restaurant The Lincoln Breakfasts, dinners, suppers and dainty luncheons for ladles ar.3 gentlemen.

Delicious coffee, pure and well cooked food, and prompt service at fair prices. A call will convince you that we can please you. Lincoln Cafe Company, Limited. I. S.

Waterson, eecretary and treasurer. Opposite People's Store. S26 Fifth avenue. WANTED AN IDEA ri to potest? Protect your Ideas; tney may bring you wealth. Write JOHN" 4, Patent Attorney.

Washington, IX for t'n-ir 1,800 prize offer ar.d ps: of two buaeired luvections waxtea. ii A BUYERS WILL ALSO FIND THIS SALE CHANCE AS LONG ASTHE QOODS LAST. Prices in the Window. in mk E. SMITH CO liHinrr AO WOOD ST.


The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


Is it worth living in Pittsburgh, PA? ›

With abundant parks like Schenley Park and Frick Park, lush green spaces, and picturesque riverfronts along the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers, making Pittsburgh a good place to live.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Placing an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette starts at $100.00.

What days of the week is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette delivered? ›

On Thursdays and Sundays, print editions are available for home delivery and on newsstands throughout the region.

How do I contact the Post-Gazette? ›

Reach an Editor
  1. Stan J. Wischnowski, Executive Editor and Vice President, 412-263-1890,
  2. David Garth, Managing Editor/Editing & Standards, 412-263-1767,
  3. Teresa F. ...
  4. Linda Parker, Administrative Assistant to the Editors, 412-263-1946,

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Pittsburgh? ›

To live comfortably, you should not spend more than one-third, or 30%, of your gross income on rent to live comfortably. So if your rent is close to the median for a one-bedroom apartment in Pittsburgh and costs $1,177, your monthly wages should be at least $3,923.33 per month or $47,079 annually.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How do I find old obituaries in Pittsburgh? ›

Explore Pittsburgh, PA Obituary Search Archive

At GenealogyBank, we have made family research easy by digitizing more than 330 years' worth of Pittsburgh obituaries in our national newspaper database. Now you can look up Pittsburgh obits and track down your bloodline in Pennsylvania in a matter of seconds.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in a local paper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

Does the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette offer senior citizen discounts? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also offers those 65 and older a discount of $2 per week on a full seven-day print subscription. Bob Batz Jr.:, 412-263-1930 and on Twitter @bobbatzjr. First Published: October 20, 2017, 5:00 a.m. Bob Batz, Jr. is a staff writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette conservative or liberal? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is a press organization in Pittsburgh, PA and is the most widely-read newspaper in the metropolitan area. It reports with a conservative bias.

What is the largest newspaper in Pittsburgh PA? ›

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Today, over a million people read the Post-Gazette each week, more than any other newspaper in Western Pennsylvania.

Where can I get a copy of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

If you would like to have a personal copy of an article by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, please email us at or call us at (412) 263-1741.

Does the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette still exist? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also known simply as the PG, is the largest newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.

Who is the editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Now, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is headed by Publisher and Editor-In-Chief John Robinson Block, son of Paul Block Jr., Tracey DeAngelo, who became president and general manager in 2020, along with Stan Wischnowski, who was appointed executive editor and vice president the same year.

Why is it so cheap to live in Pittsburgh? ›

Housing: Pittsburgh offers affordable housing options for both renters and homeowners. The city's housing cost is 31% lower than the national average, contributing significantly to its lower cost of living index. Utilities: Unlike the housing expenses, utilities in Pittsburgh are relatively higher.

Is Pittsburg expensive to live? ›

Pittsburgh's housing expenses are 6% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 24% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 8% higher than the national average. Pittsburgh has grocery prices that are 1% lower than the national average.

Is Pittsburgh liberal or conservative? ›

Other urban areas, such as Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Allentown, and Scranton lean Democratic as well. Like most states, Pennsylvania's rural areas tend to be more conservative and support Republicans.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.