The Morning Call from Paterson, New Jersey (2025)

26. Paterson Morning Call SPORTS GRILL by Pat Robinson International News, Sports Writer New York. Dee. 21 DiMaggio is expected to way soon to sign his 1951 with the Yanks. We regret inform Joe that he will get no He will simply have along as can on $100.000 Just as PAT ROBINSON (INS) -Joe hit Broadcontract poor old increase.

to worry another he did this year. There have been so me rumors that might be asked to take a cut but we learned from an unimpeachable Yankee source today that the new contract will cal! for $100.000. That sounds like a lot of money but when the taxes are jacked up. next year Joe won't have much more take home pay than the rest of us. In normal times when a veteran ball player starts downhill he is expected to take a cut.

That happened even to Babe Ruth and all the other great stars of the past. But these are not normal times and with the Armed Services 'calling for more and more men, the veteran rather than the rookie is the man demand. For this reason Ted Williams of the Red Sox. DiMaggio of the Lanks and other stars in their 30's can expect to receive at least as large contracts as they did this past season. The one great: star 'who may have, trouble getting what he is worth IS Stan Musial of the Cardinals who is generally rated the best player in the game.

Stan is believed to have received $50.000 last season and is said to want twice that next year. Yanks; Giants. Red Sox. Braves, Cubs, Phillies, Pirates. Dodgers and Indians would be only to.

happy to have a chance to pay him what he wants and, by DiMaggio and Wil-1 liams standards, surely what is worth. But he would be out of luck if playing for the Athletics. White Sox. Senators, Reds. or Browns.

And as he may be with the Cards. Nevertheless, although the Cardinals either cannot or will not pay him the hundred grand, he is at least sure to get some increase. A happy solution for all concerned would be a trade that would send the slugging outfielder to another club. Still. on second thought.

the Cardinal fans might want 16 tear down the ball park if their player were traded Young ball players who have been or who are likely to be declared 4-F also will be in demand by the ball clubs We never haves been able 10 understands why husky young fellow who can play through a gruelling season with ease is deArmy, Marine Corps. clared unable, to pack a gun in the If they have a certain disability that gets them out of actual combat. it seems to us that they could at least drive a truck or work in an office somewhere. We recall that Don Meade, the disbarred jockey, was declared in the last war because he lacked flexibility in his wrist although those same wrists were able to check the hardest-headed race horses. Oh, well.

we let abler "minds worry about that. Philadelphia The Phils and Yanks tied a World Series mark in 1950 with the fewest errors by both clubs in the four games. There were six misplays. FOR THE FINEST IN FOOD IN PATERSON -IT'S TREE TAVERN RESTAURANT 1 PARK AVE. FREE ON PARKING JUST ACROSS THE STREET ON 16TH AVE.

Elvin's Atlantic Station AND Michael's Service Center AIR CONDITIONED 17 Manhattan Team Mechanics Dept. 3R Rayman XA Room Machine Shop 1' Office 3 Aircraft Hose Dept 2 Inspectors Accounting Dept. I Bowling Ball Rem.g Zaun Andrews Pulaski Simcha J. Timochko Brady Glerum Collins Kelly Kozelski Klerit Kupinaky GossIAu Schetter Cirignano Hanenberg A Mendyk Toth Navak Cipolleti Linger Orr Spann Post Individual O. 42 175 41 39 172 33 160 33 168 34 168 4: 108 39 168 39 166 30 165 42 164 38 162 32 161 160 36 139 35 159 35 149 38 153 38 158 39 158 6 157 156 78 151 39 155 18 155 42 163 Wolos 17 153 Gordon 39 153 Veliky 32 153 Weisz 4.0.3 Sorenson 153 Gluseffi f) 153 Schedule Machine Shop Inspectors vs.

Office 3 vs. Mechanics vs 38 Rayman vs. Dec. 22, Blue League Standings -27 24 23 21 21 21 21 19 17 16 Averages Martarino Van Handle Tunkel Farrell Wright Buchalla Nikovits Smith Chmiel Rinkerman. KarmA Wieczezak Helerman Roepke Balik Schneider Kane Wurst Tomezyk Ruszel Litchenberger Promin Perog Schaub Carlin Cannizzo Pych Wingale Connors 820t For Tonight vs.

Aircraft Dept. I. Bowling Ball Accounting. XA Room. Southside Handicap Team Standings American Parkside Mutt.

Brothers Allied Gerardo Brothers WA 20 The Brands 22 20 Ruby 23 Hirel Road Halliwell'8 25 The Gems 25 Columbia Foresters 28 Bro- In- 11 31 Individual Averages Ate 44. 181 Sosonka 30 De Phillips 4 180 Palmer 29 Jetties 36 179 Mickelson 36 De 40 179 S. Brand Dericks 12 178 Dombrow ski E. DrKocyer 26 117 McGuinness 12 Costello 16 174 Fardice 3.3 Kachur 173 Zamloot Argentieri 42 169 Hendrickson Lattanzio 24 168 Kaufman 42. 37 Sydock 168 Frank Brand 15 Holezer 38 167 J.

FaVA 19 Pierpoint 18 161 Fred Brand 19 Veesart 42 167 M. Corrubia 42 Jeza wec 167 Pombo Schad 36 165 Gasenbein 31 Riether 33 165 Coppa 16 Brand .40 164 Borger 75 Carotine 38 164 Find'av. 33 Kapangie 40 164 DiLallo 26 Tahmoosh 163 Lit witz 37 Brady 163 Santillo 24 DeKoeyer 163 Romano. Capter 21 162 E. Lorene Jr.

32 Williams 161 M. Brand 27 Abrams 161 Schmidt Scala 40 160 Lee Ryan 36 160 Bardes 42. Herbst 34 460 Mullen 42 Baram 160 Van Dorn Loreng 8r. 20 139 Smitky 24 Copra 00. 1:58 Hilaire 34 Kruchow 158 H.

Koehler 38 Cavarella 38 138 A. San one 12 Renter 158 Craponese 19 rES Croce Koclice 40 136. Da Craponese Gerardo 18. Hoote Stroud 310 Prorotic 22 157 Croce 20 Sargie 15 137 02 Corruhia 42 156 Ferry Spazante 28 156 Graham 14 Neubauer 37 156 Hothouse 7 American 860 Minor Team Standings W. Ed Gilmore 35 10 Dolly 13 Malone's 30 15 Abalones 28 16 Stolarz's 18 27 Lexington's 18 27 10 35 East Paterson 8 37 Individual Averages G.

Ave Ave. O' Dell 45 180 Kasper 45 163 McGowan 45 174 Malone 48 162 Beidy 29 173 Miner 39 162 Ellis 173 Taylor 45 161- Gilmore 45 171 E. Cohen 45 161 Butler 45 169 Martinelll 30 161 Mullett 42 168 West 30 159 Sceur 168 Kovatch 30 159 Jobb 44 167 Criscone 41 158 Bobal 35 167 Romano 18 158 187 Cohen 439-157 166 Marks 45 157 163 ki 137 Finis 165 36 156 7 39 165 Abel 2 157 McG-e 165 Kapian 45 102. Sabo 164 Muskivitch 43 151 Glado 38 164 Linstra 3.5 145 Birger 163 Kleber 33 143 Gurdak 42 163 Vankat 19 139 Olender 163 McLain 15 137 HALEDON TAXI Limousine Ambulance Service Going Places? Call SH. 2-3502 Day Or Nite FASTDEPENDABLE Just Lite NEW finish NEW.

beauty genuine is all Our 5 truly vr. FACTORY long are guarantee. SAND tasting. BAKED for BLASTED. ENAMEL longer A That car of yours will look FACTORY ROY'S -SERVICE 214 LYON ST.

LA. 5-0792 Your Waste Paper and Rags Are Worth To You Earn Extra Money By Collecting And Selling To LORRIE DAMATO WASTE PAPER DEALER 96-98 Florida Paterson SHerwood 2-1200 SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR 30 YEARS GENERATOR STARTER IGNITION SERVICE BILL ZIEGLER 9-13 BANK PATERSON SHerwoed 2-5910 WONDERING ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? FLY Increase Your Earning Capacity Establish Yourself In The Fast Growing Field Of Aviation START YOUR TRAINING NOW! SYREK FLYING -SERVICE VETERANS FLIGHT TRAINING UNDER GI. BILL MURCHIO AIRFIELD PATERSON TO HAMBURG TURNPIKE CHARTER SERVICE SCENIC RIDES 35 152 130 1 I 1950 Bowling Results 15 899 Team Standings Team Standings L. Ave Hawthorne Booster League Manhattan White League 916 897 De Boers 9004 Eddies 839 Taxi 893 Pharmacy Van Calcar 888 Fire Co. No.

885 Individual a -871 WasSel 3 Myers 27 Ave. Nuss 25 153 Stevenson. 24 152 R. Uhlendort 27 151 Lutz 30 130 Gormier 30 151 E. Fontanella 9 130 Heubener 26 150 De Rier 30 149 Frans 30 149 Geerinek 30 148 -Botbyl 147 Pendelburv 30.

146 VanCalcar 30 146 Fontanella 27 145 Bohan 30 145' TONIGHT'S 145 Taxi Vs. Fire 144 Calcar 143 Eddies vs De W. L. Ave. 23 774 19 11 758 16 742 16 740 10 20 704 24 627: Averages Ave.1 Ave.

190 C. Walker 149 172 Meeker 30 148 169 Tarlo 147 164 Volte 27 146 163 Abbott 27 144 161 Soehnlen 143 161 Hazen 142 161 Simpson 137 169 Montress 133 139 Slingland 25 130 137 Barker 27 138 150 Neuman 29 121 155 J. Barker 30 118 153 J. Walker 16 117 153 C. Walker 25 114 110 152 K.

Uhlendorf 30 102 SCHEDULE Co. No. 2 vs. Pharmacy Boers Paterson Women's Major Team Standings 150 148 144 Team Standings 147 Passero's Intershop League W. L.

Ave Metalart 35 10 820 Scott De Palma 32 13 804 Quin'an 28 17 807 For nn 27 182 Marcal 26 790 25 20 795 Crane 16 28 753 CE 31 763 DeLuccia 15 31 746 Mickeys 37 735 Indfridual Averages 0. Ave Ave Meter 43 180 Lamb 18 157 169 Riley 156 DeOld 45 158 Logan 156 39 167 Sindle 135 166 Winkleman 154 Hart 165 Taschler 154 Newpold 154 Ehlers 39 154 Metal 164 Ballon 45 153 12un 194 Lehman 33 153 Macaluso 164 Zabriskie 39 133 Katri 27 164 Bush 45 161 Hillman 162, Wright 18 151 Uhf 101 Zenetti 15 151 161 Atkinson 150 Zolda 161 Rackonski 150 159 Lazarine 39 150 Surcha 159 Porta 1:49 Risky 33 150 West 141 Cht. 43 159 Bianchi 144 Melchine 139 Downs 144 Wenzel 42 158 Valentino Zal110 158 Preston 42 144 Daly 45 167 Finnamore 35 143 De 45 137 Troast 45 143 Joachim- 42 137 Hladik 42 142 Schedule For Tonight Crane VS. De Luccia For Lynn vs. Marcal Scott De Palma vs.

Mickeys Tavern Chapmans vs. Metal Art C. G. vs. Quinlan.

148 Small Gear's 30 12 Wright Eagle 29 13 The Fifth Are's 27 15 Lafayette 15 Jor 26 16 Wright Turret's 22 20 Wirght Pickup's 20 22 The Stupwrecker's 16 26 The Night Owl's 9 21 The Aldis Frie 39 Individual Averages Ave. Peter 170. Bragger 42 1 169, Winter's 37 Valenti 169 Santoro 32 Nied. wieck1 165 Fetterman 29 Van Tol 104 Kienle 39 Kozielski 163 Sturgis Nolan 162 Noorigan Corradin 162 Porcino 33 Barmelti 33 161 33 Vancheri $60 Gurak JerK on 158 Van Hecke Punicilla 186 Placko 42 3a ninge 1.5 Sicallo Piela 155 T. Santoro 30 Defterce 24 134 Parkin Gamella 37 133 3orrentino Gigan Longo Santoro 36 151 A Porcato 31 Schaefer 41 151 Porcaro 32 LaS tas0 36 150 Rascio Burt 119 Nafalski Dela: rocco 36 T.

Longo 30 Ziegler 147 J. La Barch 20 Casapuila 147 Corrado 36 Buglone 147 Ferriola 33 Lyner: 37 145 Spano .32 Tahaler 37 145 Colorino 2) 145 Mendillo 33 Riverside Sets League Team Standings W. L. Sad Sacks 34 Choppers 34 Grumpers 34 1 Home Hackers Fronters 27 Pick Ups 23 McGuigans 18 Br Bombers 13 Atomic Aces 12 Lotte 8 Individual Averages Ave Ave 45 187 Ven 133 Marmo 131 al Malizin 173 Dr 17 De Pittio 42 173 Cappuccio 18 .138 Varner 17. De Marco 17 'La Sala 172 E'la 79 Bonadies 172 Derman, Jr.

39 172 R. Brandt 45 154 Valenti 42 171 Marta 38 Glordano 171 Cosgrove 170 P. Valenti 10 151 Di perl 42 168 Papagni Vazzo 30 168 Spano E. Petronzl 39 167. A.

Mattarazzo 34 Plavan 42 166 Dorman 9r. 29 Tateo 30 16. Petronzi 148 Gobbs 33 165 Cara 146 Des Vito 45 161. Mattrazzo 25 143 O'Niel 164 Simpkins 33 144 Thomas 16: Brandt 30 Gloriande 162 37 143 Brown 162 Pepe 138 Den Blesker 42 162 De Fen 27 138 Smith 161 Petronzi 137 Fiore 161 Natolt 34 136 Dorman 161 Landini 40 136 Crawford 161 Taroletto 39 136 Corradino 160 Spagnola 23 133 Kolenut 159 Wood 41 132 Affinito 42 159 Wanaque Business Men Shutt'es Builder Polly's Bar Midvale Garage Klemp Tavern Ruan's Plumber's Wanaque Bakery Ruffalo VFW Individual a Ave. LongO 30 179 Cramer 12 128 MonacelI 35 177 Sac 18 176 Murchie 27 173 Chrisbacker 26 171 Mazza 34 Davis 10 170 Yarco 33 169 Andersen 28 167 Riker 30 186 A.

Anderson 19 166 Riegottie 36 165 B. Anderson 36 165 Klomp 37 164 J. Biggio 32 164 Crescente 39 163 M. Yacco 30 163 Lake 28 163 Jegge 32 162 O. Biggio 36 161 Mabey 30 181 Marsano 33 1591 W.

L. Ave 29 830 27 791 28 11 823 27 12 819 21 15 793 16 23 751 25 718 31 661 Averages Ave Pallavicini 31 159 Villa 36 158 Uarada 15 158 Cornell 31 157 Shutte 23 153 Malfetone 34 152 170-Moglia 27 152 T. Jordan 16. 151 A. Jordan 26 149 Ruffalo 36 148 Ramiccio 33 149 Gulla 36 146 Wyble 24 146 Oberti 19 142 Ryan 36 141 Vantel 27 141 Lipari 30 140 Ruffalo 38 139 Ambre 23 135 Doggett 32 134 Moody 32 121 Cersetto 13 121 St.

Louis The Cardinals had a record of 446: wins and 325 losses under the managerShip of Eddie Dyer. In Paterson It's CLUB EDIMAC 18 Hamilton Street DUFFY McDONALD Veterans Service TAXI Call LA. 5-2000 (Successors Te Alexander Hamilton Taxi) J. Entries Racing Entries Charles Town Charles Town Race Track, Charles Town. -W.

Dee. 92 LAP)-Clear and fast. Post 1 P. M. FIRST RACE -Purse $800.

claiming. 3- year -olds, 4 furlongs: xSumee Queen xMiss 'Orokit 107 xSwirla tor 107 Swim Girl Mission 112 Knee HI 112 Morning Chimes Example Light 112 Isabel R. ..112 xSaxriel 107 xPark Lane 110 Al's Countess 112 SIXTH RACE--Purse $1.200, allowances, SECOND RACE -Purse $800, claiming, 3- 3-year-olds, about 7 furlongs: year -olds and up, 6 1-2 furlongs: xiced Over Air Tip 117 Ringside Table 109 Vietory Day. 114 Tipster 117 Glided Fox Jack's Niece Scotch 114 Sonoma Belle ..117 Super Flight 114 McLish 117 Dark Miss 105 Tasajillo 117 3r Jinx 117 THIRD RACE- Purse $1.000. allowances, 2-vear-olds, about 7 furlongs: Lucky Flag 111 Freddie Baum 117 Florida Fay 111 Woodmore 114 Hesperus 114 Buyer's Option 114 Impeller 117 Rantum 114 Volat 112 xB Two 105 Her Imminence 111 Bettie's Moose 111 Thistle Jay 114 FOURTH RACE -Purse $1.000.

claiming, and up, 1-8 miles: Lake 112 Ardashir 114 Halgas Chuckle 109 Commodore 111 xAudley Square 109 Wassermatter 117 April 106 Balbar 117 Econette 106 xMartha's Lad 112 Saints Rest 114 106 xJack's Toni 112 FIFTH RACE -Purse $1,200. claiming. year -olds and up, furlongs: Mr. D. 116 Alapay 116 xIce Cap 111 111 117 xMi Scandal 111 xHis Jewel Way 116 E.

108 Miss Evidence 108 Bona Girl 113 Fire Fox 116 Eagle Sneed 116 My Nell 112 Polly 110 First 114 Empty Pockets 118-Othello 112 Hero O' Ned .107 Doll 107 Devon Belle 112 Eternal Square 118 Blue Tail Fly 115 Once Only 112 SEVENTH RACE -Purse 81,000, claiming. 8-year-olds and up, 1 1-8 miles Wheaten 110 xStroll 110 Omen 105 Minnix 110 113 Desert Raid 113 Bevshor 116 Helen Dear 110 Rustum ....113 Megocycle 143 Guerryton 118. EIGHTH RACE- -Purse $1,000. claiming, 4- -a'ds and up. 1 1-8 miles: Nymph 109 Picketwire 114 Reigh Morse 111 Iron Penny 112 Braganca 114 Riskit Point 109 Barrant Fire 111 109 Cork Tip 114 Brandy 109 Heart 109 Dusty Moment 106 8t Band 114 x5 lbs.

Apprentice allowance claimed. Marione's 800 League Team Standings W. Empire 31 Reinhardt 29 Poydeneca 21 J. Pastore's 27 Little Beavers 23 11-11 22 Cobbs Owis 20 Clippers Valiants 18 Bergen 10 Individual Ava 42 174 R'aab 43 Eberhardt 39 171 McIvor 40 M. Mokos 45 170 E.

Ball 39 De Braski 29 170 Koppenaal St. George: 40 157 Mokos 44 Altar 44 167 Fantuzzi Van Houten 37 167 D. Ball 35 Tarritano 166 3, Mokos 41 Lakich 16. Templo 18 Tozzo 163 Moules 43 Brales 43 165 Pepe 39 Terranova 163 Lactura 41 Bufardect 43 163 Hudzik 30 Wrobleski 45 163 Docherty, 17 Martone 163 Russo Vanchert 42 160 A Rago 40 Emmetts 49 180 Hunter Jas'anek 32 160 Rago 27 Nickas 36 100 R. Dellibori 40 Fatell 32 159 Nicol 33 J.

Stack 27 159 Settler Jacob Fiduccia 42 32 1:6 F. Dellibort Belivardo 151 Betts 38 Vogel 157 Jones Shamey 29 136 Delear 30 Quinn 40 136 Hutring 39 Passero's Friday League Team Standings W. Ponzi Johnnie Associated 33 International Haledon 28 17 Hawthorne 27 18 Wallys 27 Castaglia 26 Mayfair 26 Deeker 25 Circle Reliable 22 Harvy Five 22 Ramblers 21 Hawthorne 21 Riverside 19 26 American 16 29 Garys 15 30 Aces 31 Trov Five 13 32 6 39 Individual Averages Are Crainari 21 136 VanHouten T. De Nova Garrella 43 Jets 43 Kilinowich 39 Hepworth 43 Decker 'Onade Pisaneschi 44 Pomante 42 Harvy 37 Ave. Sherry 36 867 Lit 45 851 Joe De NOVA 42- 852 Tarsa 45 6.J.

Dudzik 45 839 Tarricone 8.34 Hook 45 834 Kices 45 847 Griffin 45 838 Courier 12. 8.38 Troyano 45 835 J. Lakawicz 833 Wicke 43 830 Trongone 818 Mangiafico La Gruth 44 169 Feezer 45 Viola 45 169 168 Casier. 42 168 Briggs 21. 168 De Jonge 27 C.

Lakawicz 42. 168 Predmore 43 167 Troy 35 167 Govin 42 167 39 167 C. Milkiewicz 42 167 Cataro 21 166 Skudera 42 166 Mercandino 42 166 Porycki 37 165 Izzo 42 165 Lawther 45 165 Cornett 38 165 Trongone 44 164 Mendillo, 163 Tognetti 163 Agostiai 42 163 Fusillo 38 163 Avogardo 45 163 DI Peri 45 162 Carnevale 30 162. La Corte 42 152 Kimble 39 162 Van Hoven 42 162 Ozene 45 161 161 161 Passero's 160 Team 159 158 Briggs Five 157 French AAC 136 Riverside A 155 Kathys 154 Weld wood 134 Shortways 153 Tama 152 National Five' 152 Letizia 148 Morning Call 147 Industrial G. B.

Gaugler 42 Faricelli 36 L. Roman 45 Barnickle Jr 45. 18 J. Gaugler 45 16 Simmerman 43 19 Jrassfield 43 15 fico 25 20. Strauss 38 armero 40 2 choll 45.

aassee 45 1385 45 Irkman 42 pages. 42 45 a vage 45 tartin 44 Smith 324 Musche 1 1 Tropical Park Tropical Park, Coral Gables, clear, track fast, First Post 1:30 P. M. FIRST RACE--Purse $1,800, claiming, year-olds and up, 1 1-16 miles: Honest Knave 1131xOn End Mess Boy 116 xAralak Lovely Trial 110 Plaquemine Namelate 110 Bunchberry xMuch pleasure Inquisitor. Gift Dizzy Argyroula" 110 Shellmar SECOND, -olds RACE- and up; Purse 6 $1.800, furlongs: claiming, Brags 106 Helpit Vansiam 1111 Bold Warrior xMadgescarlett 103 Po' Gal Hoop's Charm 112 Beehadion Howle 106 Fair Mark Bettin Bad 110 Reflexion Sospiro 117 Bones Mayes Riley 114 Hasten On THIRD RACE- -Purse $1,800.

claiming. year-olds and up. 1 1-16 miles: On The River 116 Chips Down 107 Marvin's Tip 113 Loucette xJingle Jangle .106 Richmond Jac 113 Gypsy Lea 104 His Daughter 104 Cresson Miss 113 Preceder .116 Par Boy .110 Dealer 117 Stephen 111 Great Issue 107 Benvenuto Beach Boy 113 FOURTH RACE--Purse $1,800, claiming. year-olds and up, 6 furlongs: Myrmidon Rhythm 108 xLawful 111-Best Trick 115 Gertie's Last .105 Local Band 111 xMarse George 113 Deep Down 108 Homing Pigeon 110 Holly Ridge 110 Ace 111 Orphean 110 Miss Meliss 108 Golden Bolt 113 xx Anamia 106 Jean's Jay 115 FIFTH -Purse $2,000, allowances, year-olds. 6 furlongs: Tipperary Tim 122 Whit Whiz 119 Colonel Zeder 111 Pot Au Orit 106 Foxnip 111 Evicted .122 Old Guard :22 Star of Dublin 111 Blue Helmet 122 Sunnyman 116 Well Well 111 Kay's Children 111 SIXTH RACE--Purse $2.000, claiming, 2- year-olds, 1 1-16 miles: Caramba 111 Thee And Me 114 Off 108 xLady Indian 107 Amphiblen 122 Hawthorn 109 Tides End 108 Echo Rock 112.

xxHis Image 113 SEVENTH RACE-Purse $2.200. allowances, 3-year-olds 'and up, 6 Evanstep 116 Winter Wheat 119 Andy's Glory 113 a Helen MAy 108 a Bolo Mack 122 Sun Crown 117 Flying Mane 117 Quija 117 xbMiss Triumph 166 Fugitive 116 Mirthmaker 113. El Mono 113 aCope entry bPiarullia entry. EIGHTH RACE- Purse $1,800, claiming, -olds, 1 1-18 miles 112ixGille Young 110 Chanceling 115 Blue Fox 109 Guided Missile 115 Cloud 110 Knight-Af-Arms Rock 109 Saturday 109 Boisterous 114 Mr. Willie 118 Festival 11 :15 Jeanette 112 Shoes 110 Empty Sea 112 Kachgar 112 NINTH RACE -Purse $1.800, claiming.

J- year-olds and up. 1 1-16 miles: Forgot 120 Percivale 120 Gams 111. Daralet 120 xDunrobin 111 Roundrunner: 1 20 Mulatto 120 Jetsam 117 Heath Fire :11 xCount oft 112 Pighting Gypsy 111 Pomander 120 Potomac 120 Fullblast 113 Boudour Black Swan 114 x5 lbs xX7 158. Apprentice allowances claimed. .54 153 133 Fair Grounds 1.52 Fair Grounds, New Orleans, La.

Dec. 152 (AP)-Cloudy and muddy. First Post 151 3:13 P. M. 151 FIRST -Purse $1,000, claiming.

2- 150 year-olds, 6 furlongs 149 Minnesinger .109 xMrs. Eck 102 148 xMy Little Miss 104 Macapt 103 148 xOrace Mae 104 xTabby 110 148 Jobline 107 Foolish Tears 109 147 Rayne Girl 106 Foxy 112 145 Bettye Blitzen 107 Lady Oscar 103 143 Doll Doll 105 Warbarton 1.12 144 Calm Bay 115 xBest Array 104 144 Im bible 100 xSea Sweet 107 143 143 SECOND RACE -Purse $1.000, claiming, 3- sear and up, 6 furlongs Jr. 107 Tee Maumus 112 142 Eternal Flirt 112 Playful Chipsy 105 Brassy Lie 112 Hyp Guinle 112 141 Fair Revenue 111 Chance Bea 115 141 Longhorn 112 xLucky Al 103 138 Wildcat 103 Border Man 115 .25 Casino 107 xLean 104 Bank Club 112 Free Crown 108 101 Bellbrook 112 THIRD RACE- Purse $1,300, maidens, 2- year-olds. 6 furlongs: Dance 115 Occupant 118 Ave. Honey Bill 118 xBleary Bob 113 813 Mesabi 118 Venturess 110 794 My Susan 112 xNoble Idea 113 805 xxSnorkys Boy 111 Digit 118 797 Creation 118 xx Brown Adobe 108 791 Quick Turn 118 xx Yanksie 108 761 xxHouston Boy 111.

Headknocker 118 199 785. FOURTH RACE -Purse $1.000, claiming. 3- 7921 year-olds and up, 6 furlongs: 780 xx Won't Talk 108 xF. B. Eye 107 772 Air Arm 115 Invermark Girl 109 742 xxJoby K.

102 Republican 107 763 xx Lunch Date 105 Pattys Beacon 107 737 Burgoo Master 112 Frolicland 109 743 Our Best 112 xSeamans Pal 11. 721 Stearn 102 Fighting Louie 110 739 Juniors Ace 112 Susies Gift 109 725 Grey Beard 115 724 FIFTH RACE -Purse $1.100. claiming. 3- 788 rear -olds and up 1 1-14 intles: On 107 ip Away 103 Ave. A Piper 108 Leamour 118.

154 Applause 112 Love At Last 108 154, Big Muddy 118 133 153 SIXTH RACE Purse $2.000. allowances, 3- 152 -olds and up. 6 furlongs: 152 Mystery Man 115 Gobbler 112 152 Chippewa Chief 115. xHot Chocolate 110 152 Unique Reward .:06 Wing 107 151 Accountant 112 Blue W. 109 151 SEVENTH RACE- -Purse $1.000, cisiming.

150 3-year-olds, 1-16 miles: 150 HI Hash 108 Double 114 149 Brown Brutus 117 Uncle Si 114 149 On Wings 114 Heart 106 149 Black Disc 106 Boldette 114 149 115 xSpitfire 106 149 149 EIGHTH RACE -Purse $1,000, claiming. 3- 148 year -olds and up. 1. 1-16 miles: 148 xx Full House 148 Boden's Pal 121 148 Jake 111 Cloy 112 148 Pennypacker 145 Plares Durbar 121 146 Back 117 M. Luck Qut 115 146 Hutch 121 L'nn Chance 108 146 Tuckie 115 Why Cry 107 146 106 xBold Star 110 145, Donnie 110 xx Umbriago 108 145 NINTH.

RACE--Purse $900, claim145 ing, 3-year-olds end. up. 1 1-8 miles. Blow Hot 109 xCass 107. 142 Buntys Choice 109 Scotland Yard 115 142 count Paul 115 Cherokee V.

112 142 104 Killeybegs 112 142 Sister Carmel 109 102 141 Leonidas 12 Land Sea 112 141 Sun Clock 112 Wise Tiger 112 140 Our Guess 112 Paper Cup 109 140 No Peace 112 Chic Rose 109 140 x5 los. xx7 lbs, 'Apprentice allowance 140 claimed. Racing Results Fair Grounds Fair Grounds, New Orleans, Dee. 21. -Raining and sloppy.

FIRST RACE -Purse $1,000, claiming. 2. year -olds, 1 1-16 miles. Gail R. Shoemaker, 17.80 8.20 5.00 Hermione 3.80 3.00 dq-Al's War Dog (Stuart! 6.80 Time, 1:54 4-5.

dq-Finished second but was disqualified placed third. Crystal, Bag N' Gee, Kitty Whiskers, Sweep Tiger, Like You; Vivtans Best, 1-Pot Type, N' Pay also ran. 1-Field. SECOND RACE- Purse $900. claiming, 3- year -olds and up, 6 furlongs.

Loutey (Stuart) 7.20• 3.80 2.60| Flint Heart (Shoemaker) 12.60 5.20 Nedford (Popara, 3.20 Time, 1:15 4-5. Brown Clipper, 1-Telephone, El Zorro, Reade Castle, Poopsie, Irma's Jim, 1-Linda Jane, Ju-Jac also ran. 1-Field. DAILY DOUBLE -Gail R. tantey paid $114.40.

Track. conditions nOw raining and muddy. THIRD RACE -Purse $1,000, maidens, claiming. 3-year-olds, furlongs. Rawling- (Cavenst' 3.60 2.40 2.40 Court Verse (Smith) 3.00 2.80 Zinnia.

(Robert) 18.00 1:18 2-5. Leucoton, Pighting Abram's Read, Show Off, Lady Jane POURTH Reputation. RACE--Purse Graylator $1,200, also ran. 2-year-olds, 6 furlongs, glaiming. Plying Boots (Anderson) 25.80 12.60 8.80 Marymitirl Moore: 4,60 Canis Major (Smith) 12.00 Borgne 41 160 Taylor -139 3ordenaro 43 160 F.

Letizia 24 138 5 Alessio 43 160 cAll 32 134 Buchner 45 159 Gesin 42. 133 42 158) Tropical Charts Tropical Charts Dee. FIRST RACE-1 miles. 3-year-olds 1:46 Clear, fast. Trainer--J.

W. 3- tion. Went 1:33. off 1:33. Start good front along the backstretch, rapidly 105 in reserve.

108 107 Starter: WI.PP.St. 107 Transhot wb 121 211 110 Tinsel wb 105 110 Mary Grace' 1 wb :09 Boss H. 114 3- Our Feather. Slogan Stitch wb wb 113 Abby's Rhymer 113 112 Gainsay wb 112 117 Black Mittens wb 113 Impact all 117 11 7 111 Fandango 114 12 10-101 12 114 In Fashion wh 108 6 6 117 104 lbs. A.A.C.

Complete finish of 111 SECOND RACE-1 miles, 3-year-olds 1:47 Trainer- M. Level. Winner--b. 2:00 Start good gate driving same. half-mile grounds, was hustled into pressure.

108 Starter. Wt.PP.St. Free Transit wb 117 3h4 Good Sweep wb 117 Vacance wb 117 Fireagain all 117 Iron Duke wh 112 3- Seersucker wb 117 12 111 Tourist Town all 117 12 ghd 5h4 Measure Up 114 Pooka wh 117 Gay Reveler 112 5ud Arthoa 114 9 11 12 Mesmerized 113 10 8h4 --5 lbs. A.A.C. 1ba.

A.A. DAILY DOUBLE- AND THIRD mile chute, 3-year-olds 2- Time 1:11 Trainer-R. Barnett. 2:29. off 2:29.

Start good gate easily first half mile, drew clear steadily Starter. Wt. PP. St. Trish Sun 114 194 Delphy wb .115 Wide Wing wb 111 Dicks wb 111 Excitable Mary wb 112 Free Press all 117 Kay Gibson 112 Hindi 1 wh 113 Tiberty Andy wb 114 Puff wh 109 Jack Heather wh 112 10 9h4 Ibs.

A.A.C. 'FOURTH mile chute. 2-year-olds Trainer -M. Fife. Winner--ch.

3:07 Start good gate ridden out clear lead. was nicely hustled while safe. Starter. Wt. PP.

St. Ladys Delight 117 Whisk 2 wb 115 Myeerah wb 113 Chance Cloud 109 Going Places 122 Eleven -Bov Jr. wb 120 Mah Heavens 71 Bluefin 2 1011. Sveltos 114 Richelieu 2 111 Double Barrel 109 FIFTH RACE- mile chute. 3-year-olds Time 1:11 Trainer -E.

Holton. 3:33. off 3:33 Start good gate off the first flight. moved through entering the stretch. then drew clear Starter.

Wt. PP. St. Jobstown wb. 111 Wingy 117 Chureo wb 117 Wisenheimer 114 gh4 Tallant Bull wh 109 21.

Lady Marilyn wb 111 5h4 Militant Lady 112 0020 wb .120 10 Fish Fry 117 Hard Held wb 122 lbs. A.A.C. SIXTH mile chute 2-year-old Trainer--F. Thompson. Winner f.

2. Stert. good gate drivine same. Hot within easy striking distance the withstood the challenge of Escondida Starter. Wt.

PP. 6t. Hotrock 113 12 Escondida 119 Arpege Miss Margo 119 Flora wh 116 Tacky Lady 113 WAr Work 108 104 Segment 113 Ideal Justa Cracker A -Bit 5 Periwink 3 111 1bs. A.A.C. SEVENTH mile chute 3-year-olds Daedalus.

Purse $2,100. Time- 1:11 Ace-Ladv Giorv. Went 4:27. off at 4:27 Ace raced Major Kay into defeat and Starter. Wt.

PP. St. Mr. Ace 109 Ida C. wb 108 Mator Kav 111 Pout Vendor 117 Teddies Imp wh 113 Master Mind wb 173 10 10 Is There wh 111 Jim 111 Warmonger wh 115 Andy Handy wb 117 lbs.

A.A.C. EIGHTH RACE-1 miles. 3-vear-olds Time- 1:46 Trainer- -L. Rodriguez, 4 53. off at 4:53.

Start good gate driving moved between horses to reach contention, gained the decision Starter Wt PP.St. Pharack 111 Bright Plaver 121 Dime all 116 Billy Perry wb 116 Arcourt 114 Glory's Chance wh 116. 10 Our Dandy wh 115 Home Brew wb 110 Yardegerd wb 122 Nostrilla wh 109 10 Ibs. A.A.C. NINTH RACE-1 miles 3-year-o'ds Time- 1:46 Trainer -W.

G. Williams. Raid. Went 5:19. off 5:19 Start under stout restraint during the early reach contention on the final turn.

wore down All British. Starter. Wt PP.St. Wrangle-Taggle 1 wh 110 61 All British wh 119 1h4 164 Timein 113 5. Maudeaux Th 119 Blue Heart wh 112 Freedom Wins wh 118 Seguin wh 121.

Discovert wh 113 Hair Stylist wh 122' 1hs. A A.C Time, 1:16. Some Friend, By Gone Days, f-Quess Cup, Big Ox. f-By Away, Dependable, Psychie Lad. Time Sabu and 1-Oatburner also ran.

1-Field. FIFTH RACE- Purse $1.000. claiming, 3- year -olds and up. 6 furlongs. Dare Hope (Stuart 22.00 7.00 .00 5.00 Lady Lassator (Leggio) 3.80 3.20 Silver Tray Eversole: 6.40 Time, 1:16 1-5.

Kapinisca, Overwhelm, Mrs. Valenti, Fitful' Fire and Georgia also ran. SIXTH RACE- Purse $2.500, allowances. 3-year-olds and up, 6 Lilly Valeri (Ferraluolo). 7.60 5.00 1.00 B60 Boo Shoo (Smith) 7.20 4.60 Mr.

Dink Eversoler 5.40 Time, 1. 15 1-5. Illustrate. Richardo, Flying Rules. and Chancescript also ran.

SEVENTH RACE -Purse $1.000, claiming, 3-year-olds and 1-16: miles. H111 Plight (Shoemaker). 28.40 10.80 8.00 Verona Sands (Mullins) 7.20 4.60 Monte's Pride (Stuart) 4.80 Time 1:52 4-5. Big. Gravel, Tootsie MeCabe, Mescara, Edgelake, Signals Bloke and Turn Back also rad.

BIOHTH RACE--Purse $900, claiming. 3- year-olds and up, miles: Birthday (Zehr) .24.00 20.00 7.80 Place (Mullins) 20.20 7.80 Joe. Valenti (Tenaglio) 5.20 Time 2:011. Atomic Cloud, f-Mary M. My Jam, Equinow, Night Angel, Beth's Bomb, Alemannia, Leets Gal and Chief Acres also ran.

f-Field, Charles Town FIRST RACE- Purse $1,000, claiming, -olds and up, 4 furlongs: Kitty Kilts Bush) 10.00 6.60 6.00 Dividandy (Austin) 100.20 50.40 Ocean Park (Arduint) 7.40 Time :47 1-5. 4-5 Pappy- Boy, He'll Try, Fight Along. Aylesbury, seta' and Bungalese also SECOND RACE -Purse year-olds and up, 61-2 Cedar Brand. (Clark) Bolo. Tie 1 Martinez Ethelspick (Williams Time 1:20.

Devil's Broom, Sagamore Lady, Tacaro Plaming Acres and Merry DAILY DOUBLE -Kitty Brand paid $52.00. THIRD RACE--Purse: year and up, Time Stitch (Sorrentino) Lt. Bud (Clark) .19 Tropical Park, Carol Gables, Via. December 21, 1950 Total Attendance 6,597 Total Mutual Handle 19th Day of 41 Day Meet Copyright 1950 Trangle and up. Claiming.

$2.500. Purse $1.800. Sceusa. Winner--b. g.

7, Flint gate easily driving. Transhot forged to Increased his advantage and won with Str. Fin. Jockey. Win Place Sh.

11 Duff 9.50 5.10 3.40 Burr 30.60 18.10 Vasil 9.50 Madden Wilson Rogers 11h4 Tavares Gagliano Nazareth Danisi 12 12 1184. Skelly gha 1094 111 12 Zarzeck! each race confirmed by Photo Chart Camera. and up. Claiming. All Purse $1.800.

h. 9. Dr. Freeland-Wild Transit, Went Free Transit wrested command leaving a commanding advantage and lasted Str. Fin.

12 12 111 12 Jockey: Batcheller Church Schmidl Sisto Maxwell Corolla Rogers Madden Zakoor Ch'mp'en' Strange Wilson Win Place Sh. 30.70 11.30 9.20. 4.10 6.40 FREE TRANSIT PAID $103.70. and up. Claiming.

Purse Winner--ch. c. 4. Sun Again-Irish Polly, driving. Irish Sun, hard pressed through and with speed to spare.

Str. Fin: Jockey. Win Place Sh. 1h4 15 Batcheller 5.70 3.50 2.70 23 Martin 4.50 3.70 Scurlock Robertsson Church. Johnson Burr Pennock Schmidl 404 Nazareth 104 11.

Skelly claiming. Purse $1.800. f. -2. War Jeep- Went 2:55.

driving. Ladys Delight rapidly established tiring through the stretch and held Str. Fin. Jockey. Win Place Sh.

11 Skelly 10.40 5.60 4.40 Loturco 12.80 7.60 Cook 8.20 10 3h4 Mehrtens 4h4 Schmidl 614. Robertson Boulmetis Martin Stout 101 Mitchell 10" 101 11 Monteiro and up. Claiming. Purse Winner-gr. g.

6. Unbreakable-Forsythia IT. easily driving. Jobstown, unhurried while along the inside when the leaders drifted without need of pressure, Str. Fin.

Jockey. Win Place Sh. 11 Nazareth x4.30 2.70 3.10 Vasil 3.20 2.90 7h4 Robertson 51 41. Fisk 2h4 Mitchell Weissman Boulmetts Church gh4 Martin 31.40 10 10 Zakoor. fillies.

Allowance. Purse $2.000. Piping Rock- -Priority. Went 4:01. off at Rock, away alertly and nicely rated while pace, assumed command in late stretch Str.

Fin. pa 81 111 12 12 Jockey. Win Ciritello 12.20 Boulmetta Va sil Matale Mohrtens Wall Bernhardt Chestnut Dewitt Wagner Place 8h. Odda 4.60 3.50 3.30 3.20 5 143.60 159.45 124.90 and up. Claiming.

Trainer--P. Catrone, Winner g. 5. Case Start good gate ridden out driving. drew clear steadily while being ridden out.

Str. Fin. Jockey: Win Place 8h. Odds 11 Stout 8.40 6.40 4.70 Va silo I 7.00 4.70 Wall 11 4.80 Church 7.00 Cook Fisk 43.50 10.90 RI 9' 45.60 Martin 10 :10 10' Batcheller 14.80 and up. Claiming.

Purse $1.800. Winner b. R. Gerald-Lady Modish. Went same.

Pharack. hard held for half mile, engaged the leader from the outside Str. Fin. 1h4 10 10 Jockey. Win Vasil 34.60 Strange Wilson Novella Stout Mehrtens Robertson Jemas Place 8h.

Odds 10.90 5.50 16 5.00 3.30 3.90 97.05 85.10 and 11D. Claiming. Purse $1:800. Winner dk. b.

f. 3. Questionnatre-Risky good gate driving same. Wraggle-Tangle, stages. moved through on the inside engaged the leaders from the outside Str.

Fin. Jockey. Win Place Sh. Odds 31 Robertson 12.70 6.50 6.20 1h4 Zakoor 5.10 4.60 Dodge 6:50 5'1 xCh'mp' gne 10.60 Femas Stranke 15.40 Pederson Fernandes Monteiro 41.70 Lady Dell (Martinez) 2.40 1:20 4-5. Miss Berwick.

Dram, Exploration, Harpist. Out Go TAX, Dangerous and Bettlebomb also ran. FOURTH RACE--Purse $1,000, claiming, 3-year-olds, furlongs. Greelac (Belanger) 23.60 11 80 5.40 Orthopedic (Gordon). 4,40 3.80 Yipiyadee (Williams) 5.00 Time.

1:19 2-5. My Duchess, Designee. Perry's Prize, Bee A. Halcat also ran. FIFTH RACE -Purse $1:000, claiming, year-olds and up, about 7 furlongs.

Unaided (Regalbuto) 10.20 6.00. 3.40 Joe's Favorite (Mora) 10.20 5.60 Chance Bras (Miller. 5.00 Time 1:23 3-5. Foxier, Joe Mandell, Toro, Pharalus. Picanny, Big Ditch also ran.

SIXTH RACE- Purse $1.300, allowances, 3-year-olds and up, 'about Dark Buckle (Belanger) 21.20. 9.80 3.60 Little Orchid (Gordon) 5.60 3.20 Miss Prime (Austin) 3.40 Time 46 3-5 (new tract record). Chaffee Dec, Ballinakill, Make Hay, Simite, SanChu also ran. SEVENTH RACE--Purse $1.200, claiming, 4-year-olds and up, 1 1-16 miles. Disputanta.

(Bush) 28:40. 10.60. 7.20 Tor Mel (Clark) 5.20 4.00 Count (Martinez). 1.60 Time, 1:46 1-5. Gay HI, Bob's Birthday, Transair, St.

George, Harmony Hope and Princess Gala also ran. EIGHTH RACE- -Purse $1,000, claiming, and up. 1 1-4 miles. Reminisce (Williams) 7.60 4.20 3.00 Gold Braid (Moral 11.00 8.80 Honey Bun (Clark 7.60 Time, 2:08. Lucky John.

Rosedan, Brother Willie, Nipigon, Prince canter, Stark Mad and Dual Purpose also ran. Racing Revenue ran. 'Horse' racing Delaware Park Chrys-Doll, Pe- Wilmington, Dec. 21 calming, furlongs: brought the State of Delaware 8.80 5.60 3,60 $861,601.18 during the 1950 sea5.00 3.20 son. The announcement was made 9.40 today in the annual report of the Swinging Gauntlet, Star, Delaware Racing Commission.

Kaph, Stage also ran. Kits and Cedar Washington: Three Senator pitchers made their major league claiming, debut with loop victories during furlongs, 7.40. 4.00 2.60 the 1950: baseball season, the rec" 9.00 3.40ords show. Inc.4 Time Dept. Dept.

53 Dept. 4 Old Gas Hose Dept. 32 Dept: 38- LaS Nacon Dennis L. Mendyk Dodrik Quinto ZabaWa Simek Vullo W. Carnish: A Hooyman Rusnak Endlicher Ziemda Temple Van Hine Latawiec Tedesco Frank Wagner Potoczak J.

Hanisko Hook Mendyk McL ghi Buffers Old Dept. 38 Du No. No. 16 No 10 No. 13 No.

No. No. No. No. 15 No.

No. 12 6 No. No. No, No. Denton Smyti Halupka Dolce Werner Seventko Gibson Yacono Frankovitz Jaskot Fayko Vacendak Danisch Archer Giella Nestuk Makouly Bell Komsa Garibell Archer D'Ercole Nicolson (yester Gorab Klikier Geiger Sadlowski Paulison Mozlin Stevens Sankovich Macherone Katwinkle Parder Pavlica Bogert Beluardo.

Catanzaro Smetana McKinley Hoffman. Wallace Szczerbak De Feo 7A Bill Bastory Friday Loughh, La Grossa Center Lobdells Fair Lawn Vanores Plaza Paterson Kupec Knap. ackJr Loudell Herman Smith Ackerman Valentino Pielaet J. Strehl Patula Chaplain Vanore La Gross Gunthner Hooy man Drubert sunders Trautwe Streh. Buffers Aces Process Curing Brownies Individual G.

40 20 '20 42 39 35 35 36 33 30 36 35 36 40 33 6093: n. 40 Schedule vs. Process 32 vs. Curing w. 25 17 23 19 23 19 22 20 20 22 23 14 28 Averages Ave 181 Jason 38 175 Kropelnitski 42 174 Bialeckt 39 171 Frankovic 30 :70 Knolke 42 169 Stavis4y L68 J.

McL'ughtin 38 167 M. Kopec 34 167 Salarino 33 167 Matthews 166 Triolo 466, S.Hanisko 32 Olivo 3) 165 Warchol 31 165 Tudor 165 Boffard 13 164 Rifugiato 37 164 C. Billetz 164 P. Billetz 164 Del Re 27. 163 Streleckt 26 163 Sullivan 13 162 V' nB'nsch'ten 36 162 Lloyd 29 Warzocha For Tonight Dept.

53. vs Aces. Gas Hose. vs: Lab Brownies. Mont Women's League 12 12 12 individual Averages 0 Ave 38 148.

Cobilarz 33 38 146 Klem 28 39 145 Podurgel 30 38 141 Orinis 33 38 140 Parent 18 23 140 Corbo 36 21 138 Elwood 31 24 137 Graziano 35 37 135 Cody 18 39 134 Ostin 10 36 133 Wasek 32 32 133 Martin 36 17 132 Oswald 25 38 132 Diani 30 34 131 Markvart 39 35 131 Darling 33 28 130 Vizzi 35 33 130 Mattland 32 35 130 Weller 27 120 Hudzik 20 39 129 Gallo 23 31 129 Sutera 34 128 Connors 33 38 128 Lacherza 31 30 127 Talingo 25. 25 126 Regenburgh 32 30 126 Nahas 29 33 145 Koeditz 126 31 32 125, Osburn 26 32 124, Dully 2. 35 124 Hines 31 31 123 Volker 23 123, 5a 530 22 19 121 Wolek 21 33 120 Schroers 29 120 Remar 30 30 119 Constantino 32 '30 119 Gambino 32 32 119 De Pope 35 33 119 Costello 26 29 118 Caritone 36 118 Damico 32 111 34 28 116 Schumody 22 116 Wardle 35 3.3 116 Frank 30 30 115 Longobardo 2 Fair Lawn League 30 12 16 26 ,16 15 17 Beach 18 Clippers 28 28 33 Individual Averages G. Ave. O.

42 103 Orton 35 39 183 Christadore 33 42 Mauch 42 42 182 W. Deubert 15 12 131 Krauss 3-3 42 180, Balsis 38 180 Gravatt 33 39 178 Richardson 33 42 117 Van Dillen 38 42 177 Bursch 35 42 177 Clau6s 36 33 176 Gieresch 42 176 Dudas 42 175 Knapsack8r. 40 36 175 Lister 42 36 174 Stuffer 30 39 173 F. Stephensen 36 39 172 J. Stephensen 42 42 Wood Loushi.n 42 171 Quardt 30 1.1 Matchett 13 170 Schedule Plaza vs.

Fair Paterson. vs. Center vs. La Grosa V'S. Landzeltel 42 7 Kuiken 31 For Tonight Lawn Beach, Loughlin.

Lobdells. Vanores Clippers. Southside 840 League White Cross Pacelli Universal Martellos Quinian Troika Club Atomic Smittys Five McDonald Stokes C. Bar Gambatese Paterson Passer Smith Cingale Petrovich Fontana LeProtto Stocker Schamble Viscosi BLI Martello Altemus Kasper Runz Falconiere Murphy Perrazano Kilpatrick Martello Kennelly Szala! Gigante Miller Yurkovie Cuccineili Rencewicz Andriulli D. Ruocco.

Neretti Peschken Schaa! Itzie Spinelli La France Segereto Guinther Brazp Boyuk Saunders Greig Fraser Bland. 22 22 23 23. 23 21 21 24 20 25 Ass'n 28 Dovers 31 Individual Averages Ave. Young 35 G. Sallerolle 200 Misajet 36 40 187 Allar 44 44 182 Gilmore 45.

45 181 Indoe 30 44 I CO Bevacqua 45 18C Sorg 39 42 179 Little 21 45 179 Pellittere. 39 36 179 Cortese 10 Pindlay 43 176 Mauro 42 45 117 Schamble 38 177 Panicucci 16 45 177 Tobass 45 176 Cingale 12 45 175 Knechtel 39 175 Balady 30 170 Holster 42 6 170 32 45 170, Panicucci 41 45 169 Fazio 40 177 Zah 170 Miller 31 169 MacNish 45 39 175 Bevacqua 45 44 175 1731 Mandara 42 42 Wieczorek 32 173 DeBiaso 37 29. 173 Aulino 36 36 172 DePhillips 45 175 Swayne 19 175 Belle 23 45 174 Schuman 11 174 Biagini 42 42 174 Iasiello 35 12 174 Van, Tol 40 171. Rose 45 45 171. La Sota, 32 41 170 Rizio 42 43 171 Boronkas 19.

35 169 Saracco 17 45 169 DiLorenzo 39 3 169 Schamble 3 Rad-Lawn League W. Hornets. Rangers 29 Rockeis 27- Wolves 26 Tigers 26 Whirlwinds 23 Robins. 25 Lancers 25 Beaters 25 25 Bears 23 Widcats 19 Palcons 19. Hucksters 17 Wasps.

16 Owls 14 Eagles 131 Ave. 924 899 894 912 911 902 906 688 Ave. 162 161 161 161 160 189 137 157 156 155 154 84 153 153 152 150 149 148 144 143 138 137 132 126 13 1J 14 14 14 la 17 19 20 20 21 22 24 24 24 Ave 413 113 114 114 114 114 113 113 113 113 112 112 111 111 110 110 109 109 108 108 107 104 104 103 103 103 100 190 99 98 P3 95 95 93 93 92 91 89 85 85 84 83 80 80 78 76 59 Ave 864 861 858 843 890 832 791 804 Ave. 169 16) 163 187 167 107 165 165 183 163 163 162 162 161 160 1.59 152 15: 131 141 the speed Odds 3.75 33.10 21.60 2.95 10.40 5.90 324.75 36.65 $3.25 103.49 Time 2:00. the under 141 139 138 117 116 135 114 131 133.

124 122 109 Hose R33. RI9 185 7A5 819 790. 756 136 735 751. 510 758 089 Are 156 156 155 152' 152 152 Odds 14.35 3.40 12.55 10.80 8.00 5.45 3.90 26.50 32.45 16.45 129.40° 6.90 $2.000. Went the 23 23 22 22 22.

19 W. L. 30 15 13 27 18 Odds 1:85 3.55 29.35 24.85 8.00 7.85 40.95 14.25 4.85 160.80 Time off a Odda 4.20 15.80 85 33.10 16.00 16 18 18 I 22 23 25 27 27 35 Ave. 155 140 139 139 138 134 133 131 131 130 128 128 126 123 120 118 114 109 Pet. 828 806.

789 795- 793 796 789 775 Ave. 158 158 151 157 157 137 157. 137 157 156 155 154 1'54 154 152 146 145 145, 143 142 1411 16.00 3.80 114.60 39.85 $2.000. Went just out Ave 895 872 870, 880 842 837 800 764 768 Ave 144 144 143 142 140 137 134 16 1 1 129 129 127. 147 125 125 122 118 118 113 108 107 104 Odds 1.15 3.50 7.80 6.75 8.95 23.15 31.80 24.20 4:01: A A and 5.10 1.25 20 5.75 67.05 40 9.50 24.60 10 47 97.65 The Mr.

3.20 7.75 11.30 3.15 and 30 3.15 7.75 183 Campanella 175 Mason 176 Barry 175 Marino 174 Jindracek 30 170. Cortese 169 W. Gnade 168 Martone 37 168 Mainente 38 168 Knapp 32 168 3imonetti 37 167 J. Cafaro 40 167 Call 45 167 Liddell 45 166 Birk 40 165 Papietro 40 184 Den Braven 32 164 Romnak 43: 164 Kotapka 40 164 C. Latrecchio 29 163 17 '163 Palmieri 39 163 R.

Spiess 39 163 Rota 38 163 Noel 30 162 42 162 Sensale 10 162 Cuttita 15 162 Smith 45 162 Decker 45 162 De Fino 35 161 Carfello 40 161 Allain 39 161 Kimowich 28 161 Verge 28 160 Algera 31 159 Blacwell Sr 28 159 12 138 Tuit 37 158 Le Page 158 Messa 33 158 Intoppo 33. 158. Besso 33 158 Tenk 42 158 Tanis 30 158 C. Milkiewicz 44 158 Tamburrin 33 158 Meyers 38 137 Spiess 20 157 4. Latrecchio 34 157 Caruso 43 156 H.y% a 128 156 Cauceglia 40 156 Weed 21 155 Struvk 18 155 Kaser 39 Friday A League Standings W.

L. 30 15 29 16 SC 28 17 25 20 25 20 24 21 22 23 21 24 20 25 44 Averages Ave G. 177 Jarnickle. Sr 45 174 Hamelink 31 171 Schneider 45 169 Cannerella 45 169 3arlous 45 169. Stohier 45 163 Prappolli 45 167 1.

Strauss 166 Caiola 168: Barrile 45 165i Ducoat 165 3arnickle 45 161 Collo 35 183 44 183 Selen 40 163 Muller 45. 162 Buntzen 162 Tenry 162 Lameire 45 161 Jordon 39 161 Wright; Jr 38 3.00 85 8.65 to and 5.35 3.15 9.50 3.75 45 7.30 -VIsI Sir 4- 4.

The Morning Call from Paterson, New Jersey (2025)


Why is Paterson NJ famous? ›

It is the county seat of Passaic County. Paterson is known as the "Silk City" for its dominant role in silk production during the later 19th century. Paterson was originally formed as a township from portions of Acquackanonk Township on April 11, 1831, while the area was still part of Essex County.

What is the nickname of Paterson New Jersey? ›

The height of Paterson's industrial strength came in the 1890s. While there had been silk mills in the city since the mid-1800s, by the end of the 19th century the explosive growth and density of silk manufacturers earned Paterson the nickname "Silk City".

Who found Paterson New Jersey? ›

Founded by Alexander Hamilton, the city grew around the 77-foot waterfall, now known as the Great Falls, and a system of water raceways that allowed for multiple manufacturing mills to produce items ranging from textiles, firearms, and railroad locomotives.

Where is the morning call based? ›

The Morning Call is a daily newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

What famous person was born in Paterson, New Jersey? ›

Lou Costello | Comedian

Before he was Bud Abbott's comic partner, Lou Costello was born Louis Francis Cristillo in Paterson in 1906. His father, Sebastiano Cristillo, had emigrated from Italy in 1898 to Paterson, where his older brother, Philip, had already settled a few years before.

When did Paterson, NJ become bad? ›

Beginning in the late 1960s, the city suffered high unemployment rates and white flight. According to the New Jersey Historical Commission, Paterson's industrialism ended “as the economy and technological needs of the United States changed. By 1983, Paterson was the fifth poorest city in the United States.

Why did so many immigrants move to Paterson, New Jersey? ›

By the early 1900's, immigrants from all over Europe desperate for work were pouring into Paterson, which had become the nation's leading center for mills that converted raw silk into the fine clothing worn by America's wealthy.

What is the crime rate in Paterson, NJ? ›

In 2021, Paterson had 623 reported violent crimes. The 2021 violent crime rate was 390 per 100,000, just slightly over the national average. The 2021 homicide rate was 18.2 murders per 100,000 people. That's considerably higher than the New Jersey homicide rate of 4.1, and the U.S. murder rate was 6.8 per 100,000.

Is Paterson, New Jersey a good place to live? ›

Is Paterson NJ safe? The Paterson New Jersey crime rate is 83.1% higher than the rest of the state and 5.7% higher than the rest of the country. According to the FBI, general crimes occur for every 2,479 out of 100,000 people.

What does "morning call" mean? ›

Morning Call may refer to: A morning bugle call or trumpet call, used in the U.S. military. A wake-up call. Morning Call (TV program), a U.S. business-news television series on CNBC. Morning Call (film), a 1957 British thriller film.

What area does The Morning Call cover? ›

Circulation area

The Morning Call circulates in the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, and surrounding Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Schuylkill and Monroe, plus Warren County, N.J.

What book is good morning call based on? ›

Good Morning Call is written and illustrated by Yue Takasuka. It was serialized in the monthly magazine Ribon from September 1997 to April 2002. The chapters were later released in 11 bound volumes by Shueisha under the Ribon Mascot Comics imprint. A sequel to the series, titled Good Morning Kiss, is running in Cookie.

Was Coca-Cola invented in Paterson, NJ? ›

Coca-Cola The soft drink — invented in Kent's Drugstore on Main Street in the 1800's - Paterson, New Jersey.

Is Paterson NJ a good area to live? ›

Is Paterson NJ safe? The Paterson New Jersey crime rate is 83.1% higher than the rest of the state and 5.7% higher than the rest of the country. According to the FBI, general crimes occur for every 2,479 out of 100,000 people.

Why is Paterson NJ known as silk city? ›

Most importantly, Paterson had a supply of workers who understood the peculiar characteristics of the delicate silk fiber. By the 1880s, the city was producing almost half of the silk manufactured in the United States and had earned a nationwide reputation as "Silk City."

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.