Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (2024)

While the developers of Risk of Rain 2 have not opened up their code for mods, there exists a modding community for the game nonetheless. Die-hard fans of the game can locate most mods for RoR2 on Thunderstore.

Related: Risk Of Rain 2: Character Tier List

Before you begin browsing and selecting the best mods for whatever is in mind, first grab the 3 following mods in order to install and maintain the various choices. BepInExPack is an all-in-one mod pack plugin framework, R2API is a modding API for RoR2, and r2modman manages your mods as well as keeps them up to date. With those tossed into the coding, the possibilities are endless.

10 BetterUI

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (1)

If players aren't a fan of the normal in-game menus and user interfaces, this is the mod to grab. BetterUI is changing how the system works to a more intuitive method and allowing for easier navigation.

Item stats are explained, and their counters are listed. Ordering items in ways that suit individual play styles better is included. This mod is packed wall to wall with information while tweaking some minor things for major improvements. A great starter mod to try out that won't inhibit gameplay.

9 Bigger Bazaar

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (2)

So you have money or Lunar coins at the end of the stage that wasn't spent. Now there's a fix for that. The Bigger Bazaar will add up to 6 random items and the cost will scale with difficulty. This will present gamers with the option to get more items at certain points in the game.

Heading into the bazaar portal will allow players to buy items before the money is converted into experience. If you're playing with friends, only the host needs to have this mod installed.

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (3)

Speaking of friends, players with this mod installed can share items with friends. If someone picks up an item someone else wanted, they can share the equipment with the other player.


It doesn't just work on items and equipment, though. Gamers can share loot, money, experience, and everything else. Making the game a bit more fast-paced and chaotic when paired up with a companion.

7 Classic Items

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (4)

So you loved Risk of Rain and had a favorite item. That item didn't make the cut for RoR2 for whatever reason. Gamer, count your lucky stars because there is a mod for that.

Classic Items brings back fan favorites from RoR that didn't make the final cut into Risk of Rain 2. Now characters can have the ultimate cross-game build that they dreamed of but thought lost.

6 DropinMultiplayer

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (5)

Another multiplayer-friendly mod is the DropinMultyiplayer mod. This mod allows friends to hop in and get some items that will help them catch up in the game.

Not everyone can be on time right at the start of a session. Sometimes plans change and one who wasn't available now is. Plug in this mod to help mitigate those moments without the need to worry about that friend being vastly under-leveled.

5 Empty Chests Begone

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (6)

Ever seen a loot crate far away only to arrive and find you or someone else had already had their way with whatever was inside? The disappointment can leave you open to a blindside attack.

This mod does just what the name says and removes empty chests as well as money and equipment barrels once they have been looted. No more traveling across the map only to be disappointed.

4 Proper Save

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (7)

Finishing a stage is a trill in and of itself. It often motivates players to keep going for just 1 more stage. However, life is a thing and sometimes 1 more stage isn't an option and you don't want to lose progress.

Related: Risk of Rain 2: How to Escape the Planetarium

Most roguelikes have a save function and even RoR had one as well. For whatever reason Risk of Rain 2 didn't come with this option. It's not always possible to sit and play straight through for hours, so this mod will help keep a session going.

3 Mystic Items

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (8)

Played through Risk of Rain 2 until you've memorized your loadouts and items? Need a shake-up from the same pieces that always get picked up?

Adding 40 items to the game is MysticItems. There's a bow that reduces damage against 100 hits, a monolith that allows for shrines to be used 1 extra time, and so much more. Put this in a mod list if learning new tools is your jam.

2 Ancient Wisp

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (9)

There exist a lot of unused codes from ideas in any game. In RoR2, one of these sections of code is an unfinished boss that never made it into the game.

Ancient Wisp brings that boss to life. A thousand credit boss can be found in the Sundered Grove, Sky Meadow, Gilded Coast, and more. It ranks in the same weight class as Magma Worms so plan accordingly.

1 Aetherium

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (10)

This mod is a labor of love from the community piloted with input from the RoR2 discord channel. Aetherium is a variety mod pack that includes a host of new content the fans of the game wanted to see.

New things include items, artifacts, equipment and so much more. There are Lunar things included even. A must-play for anyone that wants to share in the community that Risk of Rain 2 has created.

Next: Risk of Rain 2 Survivors of the Void New Character, Items Explained

Risk Of Rain 2: 10 Must-Try Mods (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.