Page 2 Daily Sitka Sentinel, Alaska, Friday, July 21, 1978 Two Heads Better Than One, Say Independents Kelly, Poland By THAD POULSON Sentinel Managing Editor The only candidates for the state's highest offices who will not have a day of reckoning on August 22, Independents Tom Kelly and Kay Poland carried their campaign for governor and lieutenant governor into Sitka today. Apart from their independent status in the governor's race, which automatically gives them a bye in the primary showdown, Kelly is a Republican and former Commissioner of Natural Resources under Gov. Walter Hickel, and Mrs. Poland is a Democrat and State Senator from Kodiak. Stumping Southeast Alaska "to build name identification," Kelly and his partner were looking forward to the November election, by which time they are counting on their team approach to leadership and their appeal to the 54 percent of Alaska voters who are registered with no party affiliation to put them over the top of the major parties' nominees.
Kelly takes a strong position against the capital move, citing not only the waste of money and the politicial divisiveness it will foster in the state, but his own determination that Willow is geologically unsuitable as the site for a new city. Kelly is a geological engineer by training. And he pulls no punches about his opposition to the Beirne Initiative, with which many other candidates have identified. "It would produce total chaos," Kelly said of the controversial homestead bill that will be on the November ballot. "To say 'It's bad, but we'll clean it up after it's as some others are doing, is to ignore its very serious defects," Kelly said.
If an adminsitration has the intent to put land into private ownerhsip, the mechanism is already available to do it in an orderly way, he said, citing statutes already on the books. He blamed Gov. Jay Hammond for shutting off land access until "the last 30 days before the election," and creating the backlash that produced the initiative movement. On the state's anticipated surplus of funds from oil revenues, Kelly said, "There's no point in figuring how we're going to spend it because by 1985 it's not going to be That is, he continued, unless the transportation tariff, which affects the wellhead price, is Tom' Kelly and Kay Poland reduced. On a radio show and before the Sitka Chamber of Commerce today, Kelly discussed D-2, calling H.R.
39 "an abomination," and calling for "a balanced compromise" in the Senate this year. In that, he reiterated the position of Sen. Stevens, that the opportunity for an acceptbale bill may well be worse next year. Without being asked, Kelly was at pains to tell the Chamber today that contrary to published rumor, there is no. rift between him and Hickel, his former boss and again a Republican candidate for governor.
"I didn't ask Wally if I should run, and he didn't ask me," Kelly said "There is no squabble between us," he said, adding that such stories are only "fodder for the media." Mrs. Poland established her Sitka credentials by offering that her grandmothr was married in St. Michael's Cathedral here in 1878. She is a fifth-generation Alaskan. Of the proposed capital move, she said: "It is incomprehensible that the state could spend hundreds of millions of dollars -and perhaps over a billion dollars to move the capital when it cannot find the necessary funds to fully support development of a crucial hydroelectric system in Sitka." She said she voted for a legislative appropriation to Suspected Terrorist Seized Entering U.S.
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Kris- ster had been in Canada or why tina Berster, a suspected mem- she was there. ber of the West German Baa- The three companions were der-Meinhof terrorist gang, is released because their identijailed here on $500,000 bond, fication documents appeared to charged with trying to walk be valid, immigration officials into the United States from said. Canada using a bogus passport, An FBI spokesman in Washthe FBI said. ington, Homer Boynton, said he Agents said that three per- believed it was the first time a sons with the woman are being member of the Baader-Meinhof sought and may also be gang had attempted to enter bers of the terrorist group.
the United States. Miss Berster is wanted in Although West German au- West Germany on 1973 charges thorities would not comment on of criminal conspiracy inthe case, an official in the volving a series of terrorist Karlsruhe, Germay, pros- bombings and the forgery of West ecutor's office, which has an identity documents. She is also arrest warrent out for Miss charged with belonging to an ilBerster, said she was too minor legal organization. a figure to bother with an exThe short, red-haired woman tradition request. However a spokesman for the federal proswas officially charged with a violation of U.S.
passport law ecutor's office said that a new Thursday in federal magisarrest warrant was being trate's court in Burlington, Vt. sought today just in case the "I not of these Bonn government decided to am guilty press for extradition. things," she said at her arraignment. The Karlsruhe state official, Miss Berster was transferred who asked not to be identified, said Miss Berster had spent to the Albany County jail late seven months in "investigatory Thursday. Officials -at the jail said tight security had been imcustody" in 1971, a suspect in a by U.S.
marshals. conspiracy to set off explosives. posed He she had been a member of U.S. District Judge James the Socialist Patients Collec- Foley has ordered Miss Berster tive, a leftist-anarchist group to reappear in federal court for that preceded the Baader-Mein- a probable cause hearing a gang. week from today.
Conviction on Miss Berster, 27, was stopped the passport law violation could Sunday as she and the other bring a maximum sentence of three tried to cross the border 20 years in prison and a $15,000 in the sparsely populated fine, Foley said. near Alburg, according to The Baader-Meinhof gang U.S. Attorney William Gray. terrorized West Germany FBI agents said Miss Berster through the 1960s and early showed immigration officials 1970s, claiming responsibility an Iranian passport identifying for bombings, bank robberies herself as Shahrzad Nobari. and kidnappings.
She was taken into adminis- The founders of the group, trative custody and finally iden- Andreas Baader and Ulrike tified Wednesday through fin- Meinhof, died in prison. gerprints supplied by West Ger- Baader was found shot to man authorities. death in his cell at a West GerOfficials refused to comment man federal prison last Octoon what provoked their suspi- ber. Two other terrorists were cion. FBI agents said they did found dead in their cells the not know how long Miss Ber- same day.
The Weather Elsewhere Albany 90 69 Albu'que 99 65 .13 rn Amarillo 95 69 Anchorage 57 51 .25 rn Asheville 84 60 Atlanta 90 68 AtlanticCty 77 70 Baltimore 90 67 Birmingham 91 71 Bismarck 72 56 Boise 84 56 Boston 91 72 Brownsville 97 77 Buffalo 91 74 CharistnSC 87 75 CharlstnWV 90 72 Chicago 91 66 3.03 rn Cincinnati 94 74 Cleveland 94 74 cdy Columbus 92 72 DalFl. Wth 99 79 Denver 84 61 DesMoines 81.71 .76 rn Detroit rn Duluth 70 50 Fairbanks 65 52 Hartford 92 68 Helena 72 45 Honolulu 82 75 rn Houston 92 78 rn Ind'apolis 93 77 cdy Jacks'ville 89 72 Juneau. 71 51 Kan'sCity 86 77 rn Las Vegas 111 80 Little Rock 94 75 cdy LosAngeles 83 58 Louisville 94 76 Memphis 95 75 Miami 89 81 Milwaukee 82 59 .70 rn 71 61 Nashville .93 74 NewOrleans 89 73 NewYork 84 73 Norfolk 82 71 Okla. City 102 76 rn Omaha 80 70 .17 rn Orlando 90 74 Philad'phia 90 73 Phoenix 114 89 Pittsburgh 93 74 P'tland, Me. 85 69 SaltLake 96 55 SanDiego 78 66 SanFran 59 50 Seattle 89 62 cdy Spokane 82 55 StSteMarie 68 54 Tulsa 102 80 rn Washington 92 74 Congratulations The Sentinel extends its congratulations to Glenn Morgan, Lauren Burkhart, Ricky Hartly, Kevin Morrin, Terry.
Lunas, Clasen, Harvey Brandt, Michael Gassman, and Laurie Burkhart, all of whom have birthdays today. Congratulations also to Robert and Carol Wheeler who celebrate an anniversary today. Tomorrow Diane Young, Philip Snyder and Harry Bradley will have birthdays. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Anderson will have an anniversary. Looking forward to Sunday, R. J. McClintock, Robert Dennard, Mike Stedman and Sandi Turner all have birthdays. SITKA BY THE STARS July 22, 1978 Joint ventures look promising develop Sitka's hydroelectric system and was "very disappointed" when the appropriation was reduced in recent budget cuts.
On his analysis of the Willow site for a new city, Kelly, who holds bachelor's and. master's degrees in geology from Texas University, said: "There is no natural gas within a reasonable distance of the Willow site, there is a' big question about the adequacy of ground-water resources and foundation supports for buildings will be extremely costly due to thick layers of peat. "The best thing about the Willow site is its view of Mt. McKinley, but that doesn't make up for its serious geologic inadequacies." In order to provide an incentive for new industry in Alaska, Kelly and Poland say they would introduce legislation to re-. establish the Industrial Tax Incentive, a 10-year moratorium on ad valorem taxes.
They said the state should make long-term, low-interest loans or make matching funds available to private industry tc encourage the bottomfist. industry in Alaska. On the D-2 issue, Kelly, who for the past nine years has run his own geologic consulting firm in. Anchorage, said sufficient data has been acquired to identify areas of Alaska where wilderness and multiple use do not conflict. He cited several specific sites in the Bill recently passed by the U.S.
House that should not be including Admiralty and Yakobi-Chichagof islands in Southeast, mining districts north of Fairbanks, areas in the Brooks Range and on the Arctic Slope, and various sedimentary basins in the state. Your Birthday you this coming year, provided all parties concerned have something of equal value lo offer. Skirt involvements where too much is expected of you. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your is extremely receptive to worthwhile new ideas today. Expose yourseif to informative conversationalists, lecturers or even a good book.
Find out more of what lies ahead for you sending for your copy of Astro -Graph Letter by mailing 50 cents for each and a long, self-addressed, stamped enve489, Radio City Station, N.Y. lope to Astro Graph, P.O. Box 10019. Be sure to specify birth sign. LEO (July 23-Aug.
22) Not only do you manage things well where your sell interests are involved today, also very capable in sorting out complex situations for others. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Although you may take a circuitous route to arrive al decisions today, your judgment is surprisingly keen. Associates appreciate your ahswers but are confused methods.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Friends are willing to to bat for you today, so don't be hesitant about requesting favors, especially if relate. to your career or finances. SCORPIO (Oct.
22) Go somewhere today where you can see and be seen. The spotlight will be on you. You'll love being in its glare. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.
21) Cupid has his eye on you today and so does a secret admirer. He may arrange a rendezvous you'll find rather pleasant. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) There are no situations you can't handle today if you keep your wit and sense of humor about you.
Look for the funny, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Your possibilities for personal- Gunmen Assassinate Spanish General, Aide By FENTON WHEELER Associated Press Writer MADRID, Spain (AP) A man and a woman shot and killed an army general and his aide outside his home today in what Premier Aldofo Suarez said was a clear attempt to incite an army takeover in Spain. Police said they arrested six persons, including two left-wing extremists, in connection with the slayings. Authorities said the six suspects included two members of the Maoist organization named 'GRAPO that kidnapped one of King Juan Carlos' advisors in late 1976 and an army general in 1977.
Both victims later were freed unharmed in police raids. A high government official said the slaying of Brig. Gen. Juan Sanchez Ramos, a 64- year-old artillery officer, and Lt. Col.
Juan Perez Rodriguez, 59, appeared to be an attempt to provoke the army into taking over the civilian government of Premier Adolfo Suarez. An anonymous caller said a little-known group called the Proletarian Armed Group was responsible for the slayings. Suarez, speaking before an emergency session of Parliament, called the shooting a clear attempt "to provoke the armed forces and the police." The premier vowed that terrorism would not dismantle the government's democratic reforms, instituted since the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. "In no way are terrorist methods going keep the Spanish people from fully and definitely exercising their sovereignty," Suarez said. Responsibility for the killing was claimed by a man who telephoned the Madrid news magazine Cambio 16 and said: "We have executed two military fascists this morning, and we will continue doing so until all their bases are Wildcat Strike Closes Mass Transit in D.C.
By The Associated Press Washington's commuters scrambled for a ride again -today as a wildcat strike kept the bus and subway system shut down. But a wildcat by New Orleans garbagemen ended as trucks made pickups along the streets of that humid city. And many of Philadelphia's 19,600 striking employees were voting on a contract to end their weeklong walkout. Cody Pfanstiehl, spokesman for the Washington Metropoli- tan Area Transit Authority, said "There is no system today," after bus and subway workers failed for the second straight day to report at dawn for their rush-hour shifts. Normal work arrival times for federal and district government employees were suspended.
The strikers appeared undeterred by either a judge's backto-work: order or the transit authority's suspension of at least 180 drivers, motormen and mechanics for their part in the walkout. The bus and subway operators have honored picket lines thrown up by about 100 garage mechanics to protest Metro's failure to include a cost-of-living allowance of 20 cents an hour in their latest paycheck. Metro drivers and mechanics receive an average of $8.16 an In New Orleans, most of the 328 garbagemen were back at work for the first time since Tuesday, when they struck over complaints that many trucks were unusable. The trucks were ACROSS 45 Recent (prefix) 46 Prattle 1 Summer time 49 Composer (abbr.) Dvorak 4 Preen 53 Written 9 Loud clamor avowal of a 12 Small cube debt 13 Enthusiastic 54 Soils 14 Trojan 58 Type of jacket mountain 59 Criticize 15 Southern severely state (abbr.) (colloq.) 16 Biological divi-60 True sions 61 Contemporary 17 Crafty painter 18 Egg part (pl.) 62 Noun suffix 20 0x harness 63 Adversary (pf.) 64 Nevertheless 22 Assistance 24 Few (Fr.) DOWN 25 Capital of Austria 1 Normandy 28 Rush in invasion day 32 Author 2 Fodder tower Fleming 3 Aquatic bird 33 Madame 4 Proteinase (abbr.) 5 Hurrah, for 35 For each short 36 All excited 6 Year of 38 Snake science (abbr.) 39 First-rate 7 Actor Ferrer (comp. wd.) 8 Plea 40 winning 9 Coaster 42 Atonement 10 Not employed 44 Look at 11 Negatives 12 13 15 16 22 23 25 26 127 32 33 36 37 38 40 41 46 47 48 53 54 55 59 60 62 63 L.
M. BOYD Here's how Phillips named its gasoline a It was on Nov. 19, 1927, that an executive of the Phillips Petroleum Company was road-testing a new gas oline on Highway 66 near Tuba, Okla. With him was 1 company driver. Said the exec: "This car goes like 60 with this new gas." Said the driver: "Even better.
We're doing 66." Of course, of course. The next day at a committee meeting to find a name for the new gasoline, the minor matter came up, the matter of doing 66 on Highway 66, and Phillips 66 got its name. Produce for big-city markets is grown on truck farms, as everyone knows. What everyone may not know, though, is that the truck in truck farms has nothing to do with trucks. That comes from the French word for "barter," namely "troque." STAR ROUTES Q.
"You know those mail routes called Star Routes? Why 'Star' routes?" A. Simple, my desh! Them's the ones in the official Post Office publications with the three next to their listings. Q. "Is Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest a real place?" A. It is that.
A hilly region in Nottinghamshire, England. With hardly a tree left, incidentally. "Have we ever had a foreign-born First Lady?" A. One only. The wife of President John Quincy Adams, Louise Catherine Johnson Adams, by birth a Londoner.
DRUMSTICKS They who like drumsticks might do well to move to Duplin County, N. C. That's where are raised the most turkeys. Or maybe Sussex County, would serve. That's where, are raised the most chickens.
an issue because garbagemen get paid only if they complete their routes. Mayor Ernest Morial promised Thursday that at least 80 of the city's 122 trucks would be available today, and that no strikers would be punished for the walkout. one-third of the garbagemen had reported for work Thursday under a judge's order. The Philadelphia workers, including garbagemen, recreation and health workers, stuck to the picket lines pending the outcome of an all-day vote on a tentative contract. Sitka Police Harry Littlefield was charged with operating a motor vehicle while following.
traffic: accident on: the. bridge Wednesday afternoon. A. pedestrian Donald Smith was taken to the hospital for a check after he was apparently struck by Littlefield's car. Timothy Twaddle was cited for speeding: Rory Moseler was cited for speeding.
Robert J. Littlefield was cited for failure to stop at stop sign. Joan Savage was cited for speeding. Terry McCurdy was cited for allowing a dog to run at large. Michael Archer was charged with negligent driving.
Jessie Carlson was cited for allowing a dog to run at large. Answer to Previous Puzzle CURE CURE VIP OMEN OKIE ICE SPUD LET TiT HOSE COMA MILAN MERE CEDE ENT Es SE APISH MUSES OARS YO 3 EM DA A OXIDE ON SIDE DALE EASE DIE ELLIPSIS FIAT LIE US DA ATTE ST GAEL DYER 19 Sunflower 39 Vast period of state (abbr.) time 21 Possessive 41 Obelisk pronoun 43 Skimpy 23 Injury 46 Water main 24 Baking tin (2 47 Horse wds.) 48 Female 25 Small bottle relative 26 Othello villain 50 Neat 27 Adams' 51 Dustbowl grandson victim 29 Above 52, Immediately 30 Arch (Scot.) following 31 Very (Fr.) 55 Atomic 34 College particle degree (abbr.) 56 Cereal grass 37 Main idea 57 Scottish cap 8 9 10 20 21 28 29 30 31 34 35 42 43 45 49 50 51 52 56 57 58 Rare even is the fact-finder who realizes that the renowned oriental rickshaw- or pedicab as it's called the Far East- invented in 1869 in Yokohama not by a Japanese, but by the Rev. Jonathan Scobie as a means of transporting his invalid wife. No, the moon is not the heavenly body that routinely comes closest to earth, am surprised to learn. Two asteroids -a couple of rocks between Mars and Jupiter- -swing in orbits that actually bring them closer to earth than the moon.
Was Arnold Whidby who said, "Divorce is not always in error; but always in error is what the divorced dream they will do next." Address mall to L. M. Boyd, O. Box 681, Weatherford, TX 76086 Copyright 1976 Crown Syndicate. Inc.
BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag. Lead-directing doubles NORTH 8-4-A 85 A 102 QJ 1073 J73 WEST EAST A72 KQJ1096 Q843 97 9 6 52 10 0982 A54 SOUTH 43 KJ65 AK84 Q6 Vulnerable: Both Dealer: South West North East South 1 NT Pass 3 NT Dbl. 4 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: A By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag South player in the Cavendish invitational opened one notrump and was raised to three by North. At three tables West opened a club. East took his ace and shifted to the king of spades whereupon the defense collected the first seven tricks.
At one other table, when a club was opened East got brilliant and returned the queen of spades. Then he continued with the jack. West hung on to his ace, blocking the suit, and watched South romp home with the last nine tricks. Twelve West players opened the three of hearts KRYPTOGRAM Each letter in the puzzle represents Thus, when D-5, 0-i, W4, -k, U-a, then: DOWHU becomes: Sitka and declarer had no trouble collecting four hearts and five diamonds, At four tables the East-West pairs were playing a special convention. The double of the threenotrump bid without the use of any suit bids at all called for a spade lead.
Three unfortunate declarers stood by their notrump guns and wound up 800 points minus. The fourth ran to four diamonds, lost two spades and a club, but guessed the heart finesse correctly and made four diamonds for plus 130. No one at that table was happy. South complained. that he was unlucky because East and West had that special convention in their bag of tricks.
East-West complained because South had been smart enough to escape with his life. Ask the Experts accumulation are very interesting today. Gains may come through unique channels. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Seek the company today of one you deem lucky.
There's a good chance you share equally in this individual's beneficial happenings. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your unselfishness is extremely becoming today. It's particularly appreciated by a loved one whose interest you're looking out TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Making snap judgments regarding people you meet for the first time today would be a mistake. It could be someone, you'll become very fond he or she is given the chance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Through use of your resourcefulness and ingenuity you should be able to maneuver yourself into something opportune careerwise today.
DAILY SITKA SENTINEL Thad Poulson Managing Editor Published by Thad and Sandy Pouison Second class mail privileges authorized at Sitka, Alaska Published every afternoon except Saturday and Sunday at 112 Barracks Street in Sitka. Alaska 99835 Mailing Address: Box 799 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One $5.00 Three Six $25.00 One $45.00 Mailed subscription rates higher. Represented Nationally by: BRANHAM. Inc. Member of the Associated Press 747-3219 You hold: 84-B AQ865: AQ865 2 7 A California reader asks what we suggest you do after opening one spade and being raised to three spades by your partner.
We recommend going right into Blackwood with every intention of bidding, six if partner shows either one or two aces. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) (For a copy of JACOBY MODERN, send $1 to: "Win al Bridge," care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 489, Radio City. Station, New York, N. Y.
10019.) FROM KATLIAN a letter in the answer. 14 17 61 64 R-p, M-r, V-c, L-e 19 44 DRMVAL 24 Spruce 917, July MVSLB PHNSGUL BMSMKHLSW VMK 39 VGPL, GBO RMYDO KGSELK AL KLPGKULO VMK SELHK THELN GB0 VMDDHLN SEGB BMS SM AL BMSH- FLO GS GDD. IGKKW N. SKYPGR Answer for 916, Watch out for a woman who wraps her hair up with a string. Father to Son in 1888.