MONDAY, JULY 1, 1968 PAGE TWELVE The CENTRE DAILY TIMES, STATE COLLEGE and BELLEFONTE, PA. Coalition Criticizes Humphrey By ROBERT GOLDENSTEIN CHICAGO (AP) Dissident Democrats say Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey is unable to meet the party's, "need for immediate change and new leadership' but they declined to endorse a candidate for the party's presidential nomination. The group, known as the Coalition for an Open Convention, adopted a resolution Sunday, saying "We cannot be satisfied by the nomination of Hubert H. Humphrey or any other candidate representing policies of this administration." The coalition also approved a resolution pledging to work for the nomination of a Democratic presidential candidate "Who reflects the will expressed by Democratic voters throughout the country in the primary Humphrey is considered the front -runner in delegate strength.
Many' of the 1.200 conference delegates are active in behalf of Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy's bid for the Democratic presidential but the gathering did not endorse any candidate at the two-day meeting. Allard K. Lowenstein, Democratic nominee for Congress New York's 5th District and al conference leader, said there were differences of opinion" among the conference delegates.
"But I don't think Hubert Humphrey can take any consolation, from added. the resolution adoptThe resolution said coalition members would put "pressure on delegates and party officials, challenge various convention delegates, hold rallies and launch petition campaigns in an effort to make the Democratic National Convention an "open convention." A group of coalition leaders announced at a news conference they would bolt the Democratic party and support Republican Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller if Humphrey wins the nomination. Among the group favoring Rockefeller over Humphrey are Dr.
Martin Shepard of New York, national cochairman of the Citizens for Kennedy, and Eugene Daniell, vice chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic convention delegation. In other conference -A caucus of 200 delegates voted to start up machinery for an alternative party or ticket for independent voters "in the event that the major parties do not offer the people of the United States alternative to present -A caucus of 170 students threatened to organize and aid "acts of nonviolent government" if the Democrats nominate a presidential candidate "on the basis of delegate votes chosen in an undemocratic manner and unrepresentative of the proven will of the -A Negro caucus drew up a platform calling for, among other things, repeal of the draft system and "massive crash programs that allow the blacks to become owners and producers of businesses and not just consumerism." UP THE BATES 10 TV CHANNELS 000 Coming to you in 1968 on CABLE TV! WOR ch. 9-New York WNEP-TV (ch. 16)-Scranton WPIX (ch. 11)-New York WDAU- (ch.
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outlet Now serving nearly 11,000 area Join our growing family of quality viewers! Offer Applies Residences in the Cable Area Extended Forecast Eastern Pennsylvania, Southeastern New York and New Jersey- are expected to average below with daytime temperatures from the mid 70s in the north to about 80 in the south and nighttime temperatures in the mid to up- thei! father at a Father's day Mrs. Lester Albright and Carl cooler Tuesday and Wednesday picnic at the Barto picnic Gates. and becoming warmer again Grants 3 SALE DAY KNOWN FOR VALUES 'Perma Lift' grid positioner 24" motorized chrome grid, oven hood folding 22" brazier with chrome plated grid SALE 12.88 NO MONEY Low Monthly Terms SALE $597 Mobile style with sturdy plastic wheels Sturdily made. 'Perma-Lift' grid positioner Steel bottom tray, tubular steel legs Lightweight, handles on brazier and grid 3 position hood, UL approved motor 1" tubular steel legs with plastic caps (assembly extra) (assembly extra) Large warming oven with piano hinged door. 22" motorized brazier FULL SMOKER PATIO WAGON with chrome plated grid WITH 'FULL VIEW' GLASS WINDOW SALE $897 Easy-lift adjustable fire box Sale NO MONEY Low Monthly Terms ers, with Split 2 meat chrome built-in forks.
grids. Has firebuilder. Skew- rug- 23.88 With hood and 'Perma-Lift' grid positioner 1" tubular steel wheels ged motor, heat indicator. REG. 29.99 legs, plastic Chrome plated skewer with adjustable tines NO MONEY DOWN 1.25 weekly (assembly extra) LAWN BUTT Sale 2 for Grants KNOWN FOR VALUES UNIVERSITY SHOPPING CENTER ONLY per 50s.
Precipitation may total more than one-half inch in most sections with showers or thundershowers the first part of the period. Southeastern PennsylvaniaTemperatures are expected to average below normal with daytime highs averaging in the low 80s and the overnight lows averaging in the low 60s, Hot Tuesday, cooler Wednesday through Friday and slightly warmer Saturday. Precipitation may tothree-quarters of an inch or more in showers and thundershowers late Tuesday into Wednesday. Western Pennsylvania- Temperatures will average below normal with highs averaging in the 70s north to low 80s south and a low in the 50s. Turning cooler Tuesday and warmer near the end of the week.
Showers around midweek will average about a half inch. Western New York-Temperatures will average below normal with highs averaging in the 70s and lows in the 50s. Turning cooler Tuesday, warmer near the end of the week. Showers around midweek will average about a half inch. Middle Atlantic States- Temperatures will average much below normal in west and below normal in the east.
Highs are expected to average 75 to 80 in the west and 82 to 86 in the east. Nighttime lows will range from 55 to 60 in the west to 65 in the east. Weather turning Saturday. Rainfall may averthree-quarters of an inch or age more as showers and thunderstorms in the west Monday afternoon and in the east the coast Tuesday night, lingering along Wednesday. 24 COPPERHEAD inches long was killed in the Armor Gap quarry northeast of Bellefonte Wednesday by Arthur Smoyer, 10, of 201 E.
Fifth Ave. The boy killed the snake with rocks. Gatesburg-Marengo MRS. SHIRLEY MOORE 692-7666 Joe Siphron spent the last week visiting with his sons, Joe Jr. and David, in New York City and his daughter, Jeanne, in New Haven, Last Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Robert Harpster and Mrs. Clair Burns attended the wedding of Matoski Boughamer and William Rossman in the Methodist Church at Tyrone. Mr. Rossman is a nephew of Mrs. Burns and Mrs.
Harpster. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell of Pennsylvania Furnace visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Harpster. Sunday, the children of Mr. and Clair Burns honored The average age of passenger cars in use in the United last year was 5.63 years old, as compared with 5.71 years in 1966. BIRDS EYE VIEW of Nicholas Kepros of "She Stoops to Conquer," beginning left, and Eric Tavaris during rehearsal at the Playhouse Theatre Thursday.
'She Stoops To Conquer' To Open at Playhouse The second production of the 1968 Pennsylvania State Festival Theatre season, "She Stoops to Conquer, will open Thursday at the Playhouse Theatre under the direction of Leon B. Stevnes. Featured in the 18th century comedy are Virginia Downing, John Leighton, Cash Baxter, Lucy Martin, Vinnie Holman, Edward Dennehy, Eric Tavaris, Nicholas Kepros and David Metcalf, many of whom are nees to the Festival Theatre. Miss Downing, who has appeared in many summer stock and off-Broadway productions, including "Medea" and with the Golden making her first appearance at the Festival Theatre. A veteran of the Festival Theatre, Leighton was seen in the season, opener, "'The season he played in Play's the Thing" and Bug in Her Ear." Baxter has acted both on and off-Broadway, notably in the original production of "110 in His most recent Festival Theatre credits include last year's plays "A Bug in Her Ear." and "Ernest in Love." Another veteran of the Festival Theatre stage, Miss Martini appeared here last "Luv" and "A Bug in Her She has made several television appearances including "The DuPont Show of the Mill Holman will be making her first appearance at the Festival Theatre.
She has toured with "How to Succeed in Business" and recently appeared in a musical revue in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dennehy's professional experience includes roles in "Days of Dancing" "Oh, Dad, Poor He also appeared in "The Play's the Thing" and "A Bug in Her Ear" for the Festival Theatre. A former member of New York's Phoenix Repertory, pros had leading roles in "Peer "Henry IV" and He has also acted in several productions of the San grounds, Those present were Mrs. Dave Markle, Dick, Ronny, Robbie and Ruthie, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Burns and Justin all of the Piney Ridge area; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Barto, Dianna, Janet, and Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Merle Barto, and Vicky and Aaron Barto, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenny Burns and David, Penny, and Clair Kenny Burns. Burns and Mr. Those who visited with Russel Albright in the Altoona Hospital were Mr. and Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. Randall Albright and Kathy Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Presser and Mr. and Appearing Nightly I FREDDY MACKENZIE GUITARIST SONG STYLIST The Huh RESTAURANT LOUNGE Holiday Inn of State College Diego Shakespeare Festival.
Tavaris made Festival Theatre appearances last year in "Luv." "Waiting for Godot" and "As You Like It." He was also at the Pittsburgh Playhouse in Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" A veteran of Philadelphia's Hedgerow Theatre, Metcalf's professional experience, includes productions, films and television. He appeared at Theatre in 1966. Apprentices and journeymen in the Festival Theatre production are Peter Friedman. Chris Murney, Jack Robinson, Russell Cheatham, Paul Villani, Barry Capron, Frederick Bailey and Michele Peruzzi. "She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver Goldsmith, will run at the Playhouse from July 4-7 and July 9-13.
The Playhouse box office opens tomorrow 10 a.m. ticket sales to all remaining performances of the Festival Theatre season. Reservations may be made by phoning 865- 9543. The Family Lawyer: Pets Have Rights In Court of Law Hot-tempered Brown, seeing al neighbor's Airedale frolicking on his lawn, took out a pistol and fired a fatal shot. Sued later for damages, Brown protested that dog had been "trespassing on my private property." But the court held him liable anyhow.
The judge commented: "A dog should not be the object of target practice simply on grounds that outside the custody of its Generally speaking, you are not justified in killing someone else's domestic animal merely because it is trespassing on your premises. Nor is killing justified by other annoyance of a similar petty character. a had no right to kill a dog For, example, a court held that for walking across his freshlypainted porch. And another court reached the same conclusion when a man killed a dog for chasing his pet cat up a tree. But the life of a domestic animal is not sacrosanct, either.
If the animal inflicts damage that is sufficiently serious, this fact may justify his aggrieved victim in striking back. Accordingly, a court ruled could that a suburban home not be blamed for slaying a cat which had a long record of raids on his hen house. This right of retaliation is usually recognized even if the animal is one which comes under the protection of the local game laws. One community, had a game forbidding the killing of "monkey face owls." But a farmer who killed one of these creatures was exonerated when he pointed out that this particular owl had done away with more than 100 of his chickens. Of course, the strongest justification for killing an animal arises when it is menacnot just a person's property but his own or his family's safety.
Thus. by centuries-old doctrine, the law puts its stamp of approval on the killing of a dog that is rabid. The right to kill a mad dog belongs to every man, because a mad dog is every man's enemy. 8.